How to Use the Command 'netsh interface portproxy' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'netsh interface portproxy' (with Examples)

The netsh interface portproxy command is a component of the Netsh command-line scripting utility, which allows you to configure and manage a large variety of network settings on Windows operating systems. Specifically, the portproxy part of the command is used for setting up port forwarding, enabling users to redirect network traffic from one IP address and port to another IP address and port. This can be particularly useful for network management, testing configurations, or facilitating communication between multiple devices in a complex network environment.

Use Case 1: Displaying the Current Port Forwarding Setup


netsh interface portproxy show all


Understanding the current port forwarding setup of your network is crucial for effective network management, troubleshooting, and ensuring that all your redirections are configured as you intended. By reviewing the current setup, network administrators can identify any unnecessary or incorrectly configured forwarding rules that might be affecting network performance or security.


  • netsh interface portproxy show all: This command requests a display of all the current port forwarding rules configured on the computer. The show all part of the command tells the portproxy utility to list every forwarding rule, making it easier for administrators to have a comprehensive view of their current network configuration.

Example Output:

Listen on IPv4:          Connect to IPv4:
Address         Port     Address         Port
--------------- -------  --------------- -------     8080        80

Use Case 2: Setting Up IPv4 Port Forwarding


netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=8080 connectaddress= connectport=80


Setting up IPv4 port forwarding is often necessary for scenarios where you need external devices to access services hosted on a different internal IP address. For instance, if you have a web server running on your internal network, you can use port forwarding to make that server accessible via the internet through your public IP address. This setup often helps in directing specific requests on certain ports to the correct internal destination.


  • add v4tov4: This specifies that you’re adding a new IPv4 to IPv4 port forwarding rule.
  • listenaddress= This is the local IP address on which the Windows machine is listening for incoming connections.
  • listenport=8080: The port on which the machine listens for incoming connections.
  • connectaddress= The internal IP address to which the connection should be forwarded.
  • connectport=80: The port on the destination internal network that should handle the forwarded requests—typically, this would be port 80 for HTTP traffic.

Example Output:


Use Case 3: Removing IPv4 Port Forwarding


netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=8080


Removing outdated or incorrect port forwarding rules is important to maintain the security and efficiency of your network. By deleting rules that are no longer needed, you can prevent potential security vulnerabilities and ensure that your network configuration is clean and optimized to handle only necessary tasks.


  • delete v4tov4: This signifies that you are removing an existing IPv4 to IPv4 port forwarding rule.
  • listenaddress= Specifies the local IP address associated with the rule you wish to delete.
  • listenport=8080: The port number on the local machine that is specified in the rule to be deleted.

Example Output:


Use Case 4: Displaying Help for netsh interface portproxy


netsh interface portproxy


Access to help documentation directly from the command line allows both new and experienced users to quickly gain an understanding of the capabilities and syntax of a command. This can be particularly beneficial for quick reference during configuration or troubleshooting tasks, enabling users to work more efficiently.


  • When executed, this command will provide a list of possible netsh interface portproxy options, subcommands, and their descriptions. It’s intended to guide users on how to set up and manage port forwarding effectively.

Example Output:

Usage: netsh interface portproxy [add|delete|show] ...


The netsh interface portproxy command is a powerful tool for managing port forwarding on Windows machines, offering users the ability to configure their networks for a variety of specialized tasks. From displaying current setups to adding or removing forwarding rules, understanding the syntax and output of each subcommand can help ensure that network traffic is suitably managed and optimized. By knowing how to effectively utilize these commands, network administrators can bolster both the functionality and security of their systems.

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