How to use the command 'nettop' (with examples)

How to use the command 'nettop' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

The ’nettop’ command is a powerful tool that allows users to monitor network traffic, display network statistics, and track network connections. It provides real-time information about TCP and UDP sockets, processes, and network traffic. This article will illustrate several use cases of the ’nettop’ command and explain the purpose of each argument used in these examples.

Use case 1: Monitor TCP and UDP sockets from all interfaces




By running the ’nettop’ command without any arguments, users can monitor TCP and UDP sockets from all network interfaces on their system. This provides a comprehensive overview of the network activity, including the source and destination addresses, ports, and the amount of data transferred.


  • No arguments are provided, so ’nettop’ will display all network sockets for all protocols.
  • ’nettop’ will continuously update the information on the screen until the user interrupts the command.

Example output:

Interface               State     Bytes In(Bytes/s)          Bytes Out(Bytes/s)
lo0                     UP              0(0)                             0(0)        
ipsec0                  DOWN            0(0)                             0(0)        

Use case 2: Monitor TCP sockets from Loopback interfaces


nettop -m tcp -t loopback


This use case is useful when monitoring network activity specifically related to TCP sockets from the Loopback interface. The Loopback interface is commonly used for internal communication between processes on the local machine, so monitoring TCP traffic on this interface can provide insights into local process communication.


  • ‘-m tcp’ argument filters and displays only TCP sockets.
  • ‘-t loopback’ argument filters and displays only sockets from the Loopback interface.

Example output:

Indx   PCID   LACID RACID            PC/IP         LPORT RPORT   U      Bytes   In/Out  Proto State   Rem(IP/Port)
8060   0       0     0                ::1          52396    5910   6   339718214   61344    TCP  ESTABL
7882   0       0     0                ::1           8080    6038   6      754800    8604    TCP  TIME_W

Use case 3: Monitor a specific process


nettop -p "process_id|process_name"


Monitoring a specific process can be helpful when troubleshooting network issues related to a particular program or service. By using the ‘-p’ argument, users can filter the network activity to show only the sockets associated with a specific process.


  • ‘-p’ argument filters the output based on the given process ID or process name. It uses a regular expression pattern to match the desired process.
  • Users can provide either the process ID or the process name enclosed in quotes.

Example output:

Indx   PCID   LACID RACID             PC/IP        LPORT RPORT    U     Bytes   In/Out  Proto  State  Rem(IP/Port)
8060   0       0     0               ::1          52396   5910    6  339734070   61344   TCP    ESTABL
7882   0       0     0               ::1           8080   6038    6     755332    8604   TCP    TIME_W

Use case 4: Display a per-process summary


nettop -P


When monitoring network activity, it is often helpful to have an overview of the network usage by individual processes. This use case provides a per-process summary, highlighting the amount of data transmitted and received by each process.


  • ‘-P’ argument displays a per-process summary, showing the total number of bytes in and out for each process.
  • Users can see which processes are utilizing the network the most.

Example output:

PID    Command                                 Rx(Bytes)   Tx(Bytes)   Total(Bytes)  Lifetime
7586   Google Chrome Helper (Renderer)        600866       84967        6858333275    26m 09s
7589   Google Chrome Helper (Renderer)        289714       60162       37661870604    26m 09s
7601   Google Chrome Helper (Renderer)        212077       60162        6028533190    26m 09s

Use case 5: Print 10 samples of network information


nettop -l 10


By default, ’nettop’ continuously updates the information on the screen in real-time. However, sometimes users may want to capture a snapshot of the network activity at a particular moment. This use case allows users to collect a limited number of samples instead of displaying an ongoing stream of data.


  • ‘-l’ argument specifies the number of samples to print.
  • In this example, ’nettop’ will print ten samples of network information and then exit.

Example output:

Interface               State     Bytes In(Bytes/s)          Bytes Out(Bytes/s)
lo0                     UP              0(0)                             0(0)        
ipsec0                  DOWN            0(0)                             0(0)        

Use case 6: Monitor changes every 5 seconds


nettop -d -s 5


Continuous monitoring of the network activity can help identify sudden spikes or drops in data flow. This use case demonstrates how to configure ’nettop’ to update the information every five seconds, providing a more granular view of network changes over time.


  • ‘-d’ argument enables the display to be updated as network data changes.
  • ‘-s’ argument specifies the desired number of updates per second, in this example, every five seconds.

Example output:

Interface               State     Bytes In(Bytes/s)          Bytes Out(Bytes/s)
lo0                     UP              0(0)                             0(0)        
ipsec0                  DOWN            0(0)                             0(0)        

Use case 7: While running nettop, list interactive commands




While running ’nettop’, users might want to access a list of interactive commands available to control and customize the output. This command can be useful when users need assistance with understanding or modifying ’nettop’s behavior on the fly.


  • Typing ‘h’ while ’nettop’ is running will display a list of interactive commands and their descriptions.

Example output:

Interactive commands:
  h  -  print this text
  t  -  show/hide a table
  N  -  sort table on column N
  q  -  quit (interrupt)

Use case 8: Display help


nettop -h


When starting to use a new command, having access to detailed documentation can be essential. With the ‘-h’ argument, users can quickly access the help menu for ’nettop’, which provides an overview of the command’s functionality and the available options.


  • ‘-h’ argument displays a help menu for the ’nettop’ command.

Example output:

Usage: nettop [-f filter] [proto [my_ip] [bpf]]


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of various use cases of the ’nettop’ command, along with explanations, motivations, and example outputs. These examples highlight the versatility of ’nettop’ in monitoring network activity, displaying per-process summaries, and customizing the output to meet specific needs. By exploring the different arguments and options available in ’nettop’, users can gain valuable insights into their network infrastructure and troubleshoot network-related issues effectively.

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