How to use the command 'networkQuality' (with examples)

How to use the command 'networkQuality' (with examples)

  • Osx
  • December 25, 2023

This article provides a detailed guide on how to use the ’networkQuality’ command in various use cases. The ’networkQuality’ command is used to measure the network quality by connecting to the internet. It is a useful command for troubleshooting network issues and ensuring optimal network performance.

Use case 1: Test the network quality for the default interface



Motivation: Testing the network quality for the default interface is a common use case when troubleshooting network issues. It helps to determine if there are any connectivity or performance issues with the default network interface.

Explanation: In this use case, the ’networkQuality’ command is used without any additional arguments. It will test the network quality for the default network interface, which is typically the active network connection.

Example output:

Network Quality Test Result:
Ping (ms): 10.512
Download (Mbps): 25.64
Upload (Mbps): 10.34

Use case 2: Test the upload and download speeds sequentially instead of in parallel


networkQuality -s

Motivation: In some cases, it might be useful to measure the upload and download speeds sequentially instead of running them in parallel. This can provide a more accurate representation of the network performance.

Explanation: The ‘-s’ option is used with the ’networkQuality’ command to specify sequential testing of upload and download speeds. By default, the command performs the tests in parallel. Sequential testing ensures that the upload and download speeds are measured one after the other, providing a more reliable measurement of network quality.

Example output:

Network Quality Test Result:
Ping (ms): 11.442
Download (Mbps): 20.12
Upload (Mbps): 9.86

Use case 3: Test a specified network interface


networkQuality -I en0

Motivation: In certain situations, it is necessary to test the network quality for a specific network interface. This can be useful when troubleshooting network issues on a specific network adapter or interface.

Explanation: In this use case, the ‘-I’ option is used to specify the network interface to be tested. In the example above, the network interface ’en0’ is used. Replace ’en0’ with the desired interface name for testing a specific network interface.

Example output:

Network Quality Test Result:
Ping (ms): 12.679
Download (Mbps): 22.56
Upload (Mbps): 11.23

Use case 4: Test the network quality with verbose output


networkQuality -v

Motivation: When troubleshooting network issues, having verbose output can be beneficial. It provides additional information and details about the network quality test, which can aid in identifying and resolving network problems.

Explanation: The ‘-v’ option is used with the ’networkQuality’ command to enable verbose output. This will display more detailed information about the network quality test, including latency, download speeds, and upload speeds.

Example output:

Network Quality Test Result:
Ping (ms): 13.718
Download (Mbps): 19.78
Upload (Mbps): 10.99

Latency Distribution:
- 50th percentile: 10.714ms
- 75th percentile: 12.801ms
- 90th percentile: 14.654ms
- 95th percentile: 16.285ms
- 99th percentile: 20.106ms


The ’networkQuality’ command is a powerful tool for measuring network quality and troubleshooting network issues. By following the examples provided in this article, you can effectively use this command to diagnose and resolve network problems, ensuring optimal network performance.

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