New-Item (with examples)

New-Item (with examples)

Create a new blank file (equivalent to touch):


New-Item C:\path\to\file.txt


Sometimes, you might need to create a new blank file in a specific location. Using the New-Item command allows you to easily create a file without any content in it.


The above code uses the New-Item command and specifies the path where the new file should be created (C:\path\to\file.txt in this example). If the file extension is not provided, it will default to .txt.

Example output:

A new blank file named “file.txt” will be created in the specified path.

Create a new directory:


New-Item -ItemType Directory C:\path\to\directory


In various scenarios, you might need to create a new directory to organize your files. PowerShell’s New-Item command provides an easy way to create directories.


The code above creates a new directory using the New-Item command. The -ItemType parameter is set to Directory to indicate that a new directory needs to be created. The path (C:\path\to\directory) specifies the location where the directory should be created.

Example output:

A new directory named “directory” will be created in the specified path.

Write a new text file with specified content:


New-Item C:\path\to\file.txt -Value "This is the content of the file."


In many cases, you might want to create a new text file with specific content. The New-Item command, combined with the -Value parameter, allows you to easily create a file with the desired content.


The code above creates a new text file using the New-Item command. The -Value parameter is used to specify the content of the file within double quotes. The file path (C:\path\to\file.txt) determines the location and name of the file.

Example output:

A new text file named “file.txt” will be created in the specified path with the content “This is the content of the file.”

Write the same text file in multiple locations:


New-Item C:\path\to\file1.txt,C:\path\to\file2.txt -Value "This is the content of the file."


There might be instances where you need to create multiple copies of a file with the same content in different locations. By using the New-Item command with multiple paths, you can achieve this efficiently.


The code above creates the same text file in multiple locations using the New-Item command. Multiple file paths (C:\path\to\file1.txt,C:\path\to\file2.txt) are provided, separated by a comma. The -Value parameter specifies the content that should be written into each file.

Example output:

New text files named “file1.txt” and “file2.txt” will be created in the specified paths with the content “This is the content of the file.”

Create a symbolic link\hard link\junction to a file or directory:


New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\path\to\link_file.txt -Target C:\path\to\source_file.txt


Symbolic links, hard links, and junctions are useful for creating shortcuts or referencing files and directories in different locations. The New-Item command allows you to create these types of links easily.


The code above creates a symbolic link using the New-Item command. The -ItemType parameter is set to SymbolicLink to specify the type of link to create. The -Path parameter determines the location and name of the link file, and the -Target parameter specifies the path to the source file or directory.

Example output:

A new symbolic link named “link_file.txt” will be created in the specified path, pointing to the source file “source_file.txt”.

Create a new blank registry entry:


New-Item HKLM:\Software\NewRegistryKey


Registry entries are used to store configuration settings in Windows. Using the New-Item command, you can easily create a new blank registry entry.


The code above creates a new blank registry entry using the New-Item command. The specified path (HKLM:\Software\NewRegistryKey) determines the location and name of the registry key.

Example output:

A new registry entry named “NewRegistryKey” will be created in the HKLM:\Software hive.

Create a new blank registry entry with specified value:


New-Item HKLM:\Software\NewRegistryKey -Value "This is the value"


Sometimes, you may want to create a new registry entry with an initial value. The New-Item command combined with the -Value parameter allows you to accomplish this.


The code above creates a new registry entry with the specified value using the New-Item command. The path (HKLM:\Software\NewRegistryKey) determines the location and name of the registry key, while the -Value parameter specifies the initial value of the registry entry.

Example output:

A new registry entry named “NewRegistryKey” will be created in the HKLM:\Software hive with the value “This is the value”.

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