How to Use the Command 'New-Item' in PowerShell (with examples)

How to Use the Command 'New-Item' in PowerShell (with examples)

The New-Item command in PowerShell is a versatile tool used to create new files, directories, symbolic links, hard links, junctions, or registry entries. It offers a straightforward way to manage file systems and the registry in a Windows environment. By utilizing New-Item, users can automate tasks related to directory management, file creation, and registry manipulation. Here, we explore various use cases of the New-Item command, each illustrated with examples.

Use Case 1: Create a New Blank File


New-Item path\to\file


Creating a blank file is a common task during software development, scripting, or for organizational purposes. A new blank file often serves as a placeholder or a configuration file that will later be populated with necessary data.


  • New-Item: This is the command used to create a new item.
  • path\to\file: Specifies the path where the new file will be created. This includes the full path and the filename with extension, if applicable.

Example Output:

When executed, the command creates a file at the specified path. If “path\to\file” resolves correctly, you will see a PowerShell object representing the new file.

Use Case 2: Create a New Directory


New-Item -ItemType Directory path\to\directory


Organizing files into directories is crucial for maintaining an efficient and navigable filesystem. New directories are often needed when setting up new projects or when reorganizing existing files.


  • New-Item: Invokes the command to create a new item in the filesystem.
  • -ItemType Directory: Specifies that the item to be created is a directory.
  • path\to\directory: Indicates the path where the new directory will be created.

Example Output:

Upon execution, a new directory is created at the specified location, and its path is outputted as confirmation.

Use Case 3: Write a New Text File with Specified Content


New-Item path\to\file -Value content


Automatically generating text files with specific content is useful for configuration files, scripts, or documentation that need an initial set of data or instructions.


  • New-Item: Command for creating a new item.
  • path\to\file: Location where the new file will be created.
  • -Value content: Directly provides the content that will be written into the file.

Example Output:

The command results in a new file at the designated path containing the specified content.

Use Case 4: Write the Same Text File in Multiple Locations


New-Item path\to\file1 , path\to\file2 , ... -Value content


When deploying multiple instances of a file across various directories, this method efficiently copies specified content into numerous locations simultaneously.


  • New-Item: Initiates the creation of new items.
  • path\to\file1 , path\to\file2 , ...: Lists the file paths where the new files will be created. Each specified path will receive a new file with identical content.
  • -Value content: Assigns the content to be written into all specified files.

Example Output:

Multiple files are created at the designated paths, each containing the specified content. Confirmation is provided via PowerShell output for each file creation.


New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink|HardLink|Junction -Path path\to\link_file -Target path\to\source_file_or_directory


Links are powerful tools for referencing or integrating multiple files or directories without duplication. They enable seamless file access and system resource management.


  • New-Item: Command to create a new item.
  • -ItemType SymbolicLink|HardLink|Junction: Defines the type of link to be created—symbolic link, hard link, or junction.
  • -Path path\to\link_file: Specifies where the link will be created.
  • -Target path\to\source_file_or_directory: Indicates the source item to which the link will point.

Example Output:

The command generates a link at the specified path, referencing the target file or directory. A PowerShell object confirming the link creation is outputted.

Use Case 6: Create a New Blank Registry Entry


New-Item path\to\registry_key


Modifying the registry is essential for system customization and software configuration on Windows systems. Creating a blank registry entry allows for additional configuration and settings setup.


  • New-Item: Command used to create the new registry key.
  • path\to\registry_key: The path within the registry where the new entry will be created.

Example Output:

A new registry entry is created at the specified path, with confirmation provided in the form of PowerShell output.

Use Case 7: Create a New Blank Registry Entry with Specified Value


New-Item path\to\registry_key -Value value


Setting initial values within a registry key saves time and enhances precision during configurations, customizing applications, and managing system resources.


  • New-Item: Initiates the creation of a new registry entry.
  • path\to\registry_key: Specifies where in the registry the entry will be created.
  • -Value value: Indicates the value to be assigned to the new registry entry upon creation.

Example Output:

The command accomplishes the creation of a registry entry with an assigned value, providing operational confirmation through PowerShell output.


The New-Item command is a powerful tool within PowerShell, offering flexibility in managing files, directories, links, and registry entries. By understanding its use cases and syntax, users can efficiently automate tasks and manage systems within a Windows environment. Each example underscores the command’s versatility, making it a critical component of everyday administration tasks.

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