How to use the command nginx (with examples)

How to use the command nginx (with examples)

Nginx is a web server that is known for its high performance, stability, and scalability. It can be used to serve static and dynamic content and can function as a reverse proxy server, load balancer, and HTTP cache.

Use case 1: Start server with the default config file



Motivation: This use case allows you to start the Nginx server using the default configuration file. It is useful when you want to quickly start the server without making any customizations to the configuration.

Explanation: The command “nginx” starts the Nginx server using the default configuration file located in the default location. The default configuration file contains settings for the server and defines how it should handle incoming requests.

Example output:

nginx: [warn] the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1
nginx: [emerg] open() "/run/" failed (13: Permission denied)

Use case 2: Start server with a custom configuration file


nginx -c configuration_file

Motivation: This use case allows you to start the Nginx server using a custom configuration file. It is useful when you have made specific configurations for your website or application and want to use those settings.

Explanation: The command “nginx” with the “-c” option allows you to specify a custom configuration file to use instead of the default one. The “configuration_file” parameter should be the path to the custom configuration file.

Example output:

nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/custom_conf/nginx.conf test is successful

Use case 3: Start server with a prefix for all relative paths in the configuration file


nginx -c configuration_file -p prefix/for/relative/paths

Motivation: This use case allows you to start the Nginx server with a prefix for all relative paths specified in the configuration file. It is useful when you want to specify a directory prefix for all relative paths in your configuration.

Explanation: The command “nginx” with the “-p” option allows you to specify a prefix for all relative paths defined in the configuration file. The “prefix/for/relative/paths” parameter should be the directory path that you want to use as the prefix.

Example output:

nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Use case 4: Test the configuration without affecting the running server


nginx -t

Motivation: This use case allows you to test the Nginx configuration file without affecting the running server. It is useful when you have made changes to the configuration file and want to ensure that there are no syntax errors or other issues before applying the configuration.

Explanation: The command “nginx” with the “-t” option tests the configuration file for syntax errors and other issues without actually starting or affecting the running server. It provides feedback about the correctness of the configuration.

Example output:

nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Use case 5: Reload the configuration by sending a signal with no downtime


nginx -s reload

Motivation: This use case allows you to reload the Nginx configuration file without stopping or interrupting the running server. It is useful when you have made changes to the configuration and want to apply them without causing any downtime for your website or application.

Explanation: The command “nginx” with the “-s reload” option sends a signal to the Nginx master process to gracefully reload the configuration file. This allows the server to apply the changes without interrupting any ongoing connections or requests.

Example output:


The Nginx command provides various options and use cases for starting, configuring, and managing the Nginx web server. By understanding these different use cases, you can effectively utilize Nginx to serve your website or application with high performance and reliability.

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