How to use the command nim (with examples)

How to use the command nim (with examples)

The Nim compiler is a powerful tool used for processing, compiling, and linking Nim language source files. It offers several features and options that can be used to optimize and customize the compilation process. In this article, we will explore several use cases of the nim command and provide examples for each of them.

Use case 1: Compile a source file


nim compile path/to/file.nim

Motivation: The primary use case of the nim compile command is to compile a Nim source file into an executable binary file. This is useful when the source file has been modified and needs to be updated or when preparing to distribute the application.

Explanation: The nim compile command takes the path to a Nim source file as an argument and compiles it into an executable binary file. The resulting binary file will have the same name as the source file with the .exe extension (on Windows) or no extension (on Unix-like systems).

Example Output:

Compiling: path/to/file.nim
Linking: path/to/file

Use case 2: Compile and run a source file


nim compile -r path/to/file.nim

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to quickly compile and run a Nim source file without manually executing the resulting binary file separately.

Explanation: The -r flag tells the nim compile command to compile and immediately run the resulting binary file. This is convenient for testing and debugging purposes.

Example Output:

Compiling: path/to/file.nim
Linking: path/to/file
Running: path/to/file

Use case 3: Compile a source file with release optimizations enabled


nim compile -d:release path/to/file.nim

Motivation: When aiming for performance, it is useful to enable optimizations during the compilation process. This use case allows you to compile the source file with release optimizations enabled, improving the execution speed of the resulting binary.

Explanation: The -d:release flag enables compiler optimizations for release mode. These optimizations can include better code generation, inlining, and reduced runtime checks, resulting in improved performance.

Example Output:

Compiling: path/to/file.nim (with release optimizations enabled)
Linking: path/to/file (with release optimizations enabled)

Use case 4: Build a release binary optimized for low file size


nim compile -d:release --opt:size path/to/file.nim

Motivation: In some scenarios, minimizing the file size of the resulting binary is important, especially when distributing the application or deploying it on resource-constrained environments.

Explanation: The --opt:size flag instructs the compiler to optimize the binary for low file size. This can involve various techniques such as stripping unnecessary symbols, removing debug information, or using more compact representations.

Example Output:

Compiling: path/to/file.nim (with release optimizations enabled, optimized for low file size)
Linking: path/to/file (with release optimizations enabled, optimized for low file size)

Use case 5: Generate HTML documentation for a module


nim doc path/to/file.nim

Motivation: Generating documentation is crucial for maintaining a well-documented codebase and enabling easy collaboration among developers. This use case allows you to generate HTML documentation for a specific module.

Explanation: The nim doc command creates HTML documentation for the specified Nim source file. The resulting HTML files will be placed in the current working directory. The generated documentation includes detailed information about types, procedures, modules, and more.

Example Output:

Generating HTML documentation for: path/to/file.nim
Documentation saved to: current_directory/doc/

Use case 6: Check a file for syntax and semantics


nim check path/to/file.nim

Motivation: Before compiling a source file, it is beneficial to check it for syntax and semantic errors. This use case allows you to perform a static analysis of the Nim source file and identify potential issues.

Explanation: The nim check command analyzes the specified Nim source file for syntax and semantic errors. It provides immediate feedback regarding any issues found, allowing you to fix them before moving forward with the compilation process.

Example Output:

Checking: path/to/file.nim
No errors or warnings found.


The nim command offers a wide range of functionalities for compiling and processing Nim source files. By understanding and utilizing its various options, you can streamline your development workflow, optimize performance, generate documentation, and ensure the correctness of your code. Whether you need to compile, run, optimize, or analyze Nim code, the nim command provides the necessary tools to accomplish these tasks effectively.

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