How to use the command 'nitch' (with examples)

How to use the command 'nitch' (with examples)

The ’nitch’ command is a small and incredibly fast system fetch tool written fully in Nim. It provides system information such as the hostname, kernel, uptime, and more. This article will illustrate several use cases of the ’nitch’ command.

Use case 1: Display system information



Motivation: The ’nitch’ command is designed to quickly display system information, making it convenient for users who need to quickly check their system details without having to navigate through various menus and settings.

Explanation: The command ’nitch’ without any arguments displays system information such as the hostname, kernel version, uptime, and CPU information. It provides an overview of the system configuration in a concise and readable format.

Example output:

Host: my-computer
Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-42-generic
Uptime: 1 day, 2 hours, 30 minutes
CPU: Intel Core i5-8250U @ 1.60GHz

Use case 2: Display help


nitch --help

Motivation: The ‘–help’ option is useful when users are unfamiliar with the ’nitch’ command and need guidance on its usage. It provides a brief overview of the available options and their functionality.

Explanation: The ‘–help’ option displays a help message that includes information about the different options and arguments supported by the ’nitch’ command. It can be used to understand the command’s syntax, usage, and available features.

Example output:

Usage: nitch [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help     show help message and exit
  -v, --version  show version information and exit

Use case 3: Display version


nitch --version

Motivation: The ‘–version’ option is useful for users who want to quickly confirm the version of the ’nitch’ command they are using. It can be handy when troubleshooting or seeking assistance with the command.

Explanation: The ‘–version’ option displays the version information of the ’nitch’ command. It provides details such as the command’s name and the version number, which can be helpful when checking for updates or verifying compatibility.

Example output:

nitch version 1.0.0


The ’nitch’ command is a versatile system fetch tool that provides valuable system information in an efficient manner. With its simple syntax and useful options like ‘–help’ and ‘–version’, users can quickly access the desired information and manage their system more effectively.

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