How to use the command 'nms' (with examples)

How to use the command 'nms' (with examples)

The ’nms’ command is a playful, yet visually striking command-line tool inspired by the 1992 movie “Sneakers.” Its primary purpose is to recreate the iconic data decryption effect from the film, adding a nostalgic and fun element to your terminal interactions. By feeding input through stdin, this command translates otherwise mundane data into a cinematic cascade of letters and numbers revealing the text. This tool is perfect for those who want to add some flair to presenting data in a tech demonstration or for simply enjoying a piece of movie magic in their daily command-line operations.

Decrypt text after a keystroke


echo "Hello, World!" | nms


Imagine you are showcasing a demonstration or teaching a class on data encryption and you want to capture attention in an engaging way. Utilizing the nms command with a simple message like “Hello, World!” not only makes for an impressive visual display but also communicates your concept effectively.


  • echo "Hello, World!": This part of the command outputs the string “Hello, World!” to the command line.
  • |: The pipe operator passes the output of one command as input to another.
  • nms: The nms command here waits for a keystroke to begin decrypting the provided input text, recreating the data decryption effect from “Sneakers.”

Example output:

Decryption effect plays out until "Hello, World!" is visibly on screen.

Decrypt output immediately, without waiting for a keystroke


ls -la | nms -a


You work in an environment where you frequently list directory contents and want to add a cool, visual element for colleagues or when you’re presenting a batch script. Immediately decrypting the ls -la output provides a fluid yet attention-grabbing transition, easily capturing your audience’s interest.


  • ls -la: This command lists all files and directories in long format, showing hidden files as well.
  • |: Passes the output to the next command.
  • nms -a: The -a flag tells nms to automatically begin decoding the input without waiting for any additional user input or keystroke.

Example output:

File permissions, ownership, and other details undergo the decryption effect immediately and are revealed on-screen.

Decrypt the content of a file, with a custom output color


cat path/to/file | nms -a -f blue|white|yellow|black|magenta|green|red


Suppose you’re looking to present text from a file during a live presentation and want to appeal to visual interest, possibly to match a theme or corporate pallet. Customizing the text output color ensures it stands out and aligns with the rest of your presentation style.


  • cat path/to/file: The cat command outputs the contents of the specified file in the path.
  • |: Passes file contents to the nms command.
  • nms -a: Initiates automatic decryption of the text.
  • -f blue|white|yellow|black|magenta|green|red: Specifies a custom color scheme for the decryption output for enhanced visual appeal and clarity.

Example output:

The decryption effect showcases the file's contents, rendered in the specified color.

Clear the screen before decrypting


command | nms -a -c


Picture yourself in a scenario where clarity is paramount, with multiple command outputs cluttering your terminal. By clearing the screen before displaying a decryption effect, you ensure the audience’s focus remains on the new data, which eliminates any distractions or confusion from previous outputs.


  • command: Placeholder for any Linux command whose output you want to apply the effect to.
  • |: Pipes the command’s output into nms.
  • nms -a: Triggers automatic and instantaneous decryption.
  • -c: Specifies that the terminal screen should be cleared prior to the decryption effect, enhancing focus on the new data.

Example output:

The terminal clears, then the decryption effect displays the new content on a fresh screen.


The nms command adds a unique touch of movie nostalgia and visual appeal to otherwise ordinary terminal outputs. Whether used for fun, teaching, or making a presentation more visually engaging, its options allow customization and seamless integration into various use cases, showcasing data in a memorable way.

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