Exploring 'npm fund' (with examples)

Exploring 'npm fund' (with examples)

The npm fund command is a powerful tool that helps developers retrieve funding information directly from the packages they’re using in their projects. This command is part of npm, the Node Package Manager, which is a critical component of the Node.js development environment. It not only facilitates package management but also encourages financial support for the maintainers of open-source software by highlighting funding opportunities. With npm fund, developers can quickly find out how they can contribute to the sustainability of the tools they rely on.

Use case 1: List dependencies with funding URL for the project in the current directory


npm fund


Imagine you’re working on a project with numerous dependencies, and you want to ensure that you’re supporting the vital tools you rely on. By using npm fund, you can easily access the funding URLs for all your project’s dependencies right from your command line. This enables you to make contributions to those packages, aiding maintainers in keeping the software up-to-date and secure. It’s a small gesture that can make a big impact in sustaining the open-source community.


  • npm fund: This command is executed in your terminal. It retrieves and lists all the dependencies used in your project that have available funding URLs. The command scans through the package.json and node modules to identify and display funding links.

Example Output:

├─┬ dependency-1
│ └─ funding: https://opencollective.com/dependency-1
└─┬ dependency-2
  └─ funding: https://github.com/sponsors/dependency-2

Use case 2: Open the funding URL for a specific package in the default web browser


npm fund package-name


Sometimes you might want to directly support a specific package you are particularly reliant on or appreciative of. By using npm fund <package-name>, you can quickly open the package’s funding page in your default web browser. This straightforward approach facilitates immediate access to the support channels of that package, enabling faster and more direct contributions.


  • npm fund: Initiates the command to retrieve funding information.
  • package-name: This argument specifies the particular package for which you want to retrieve and potentially open the funding URL. If the package has a funding URL specified, it will automatically open in the browser.

Example Output:

Upon running the command, your default browser will open with the package’s funding URL, such as:

Opening https://github.com/sponsors/package in your default browser.

Use case 3: List dependencies with a funding URL for a specific workspace for the project in the current directory


npm fund -w workspace-name


In a modern JavaScript project, especially one using monorepo structures with workspaces, it’s common to have multiple packages or modules managed within a single repository. By targeting a specific workspace, you can retrieve funding information pertinent to just that segment of the project. This focused approach helps manage contributions more efficiently, especially in larger projects with multiple team members or varied dependencies across different parts of the application.


  • npm fund: The base command for retrieving funding information.
  • -w: This flag specifies a workspace. It filters the command scope to a particular workspace in your project.
  • workspace-name: Identifies the name of the workspace you’re interested in. The command then scans only the node modules within that workspace for funding information.

Example Output:

├─┬ workspace-dependency-1
│ └─ funding: https://patreon.com/workspace-dependency-1
└─┬ workspace-dependency-2
  └─ funding: https://liberapay.com/workspace-dependency-2


The npm fund command is an invaluable tool for developers who are keen to support the maintenance of the open-source software they use. By providing easy access to funding information, it encourages a culture of giving back and ensures the longevity and sustainability of the packages we depend on daily. Whether you want a general overview of your entire project’s dependencies, a specific package, or a focused insight into a particular workspace, npm fund makes it simple to find and engage with funding opportunities.

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