How to use the command 'npm fund' (with examples)

How to use the command 'npm fund' (with examples)

The ’npm fund’ command is used to retrieve funding information from packages. It provides a way to view the funding URL for dependencies in a project. This command offers various use cases that can help developers understand the funding status of the packages used in their projects.

Use case 1: List dependencies with funding URL for the project in the current directory


npm fund

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to check the funding information for dependencies in your current project directory. It allows you to see which dependencies have funding URLs available and assess the financial support behind those packages.

Explanation: The command ’npm fund’ without any additional arguments lists the dependencies along with their corresponding funding URLs for the project in the current directory. It retrieves the funding information from the package.json file.

Example output:

Package                          Funding

Use case 2: Open the funding URL for a specific package in the default web browser


npm fund package

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to directly visit the funding URL of a specific package to show your support or learn more about the project’s funding sources. This use case allows you to open the funding URL of a package in your default web browser.

Explanation: By specifying the package name as an argument, the command ’npm fund’ will open the funding URL associated with the given package in the default web browser. This can be handy when you are interested in the financial backing behind a particular dependency and want to explore more about it.

Example output: (The specified package’s funding URL will be opened in the default web browser)

Use case 3: List dependencies with a funding URL for a specific workspace


npm fund -w workspace

Motivation: When working with npm workspaces, you may have multiple sub-projects or workspaces within a single project. In such cases, you might want to retrieve the funding information for a specific workspace to understand the financial support behind its dependencies.

Explanation: The ‘-w’ flag followed by the workspace name specifies the workspace for which you want to list the dependencies with their corresponding funding URLs. The command ’npm fund -w workspace’ retrieves the funding information of the dependencies within the specified workspace only.

Example output:

Workspace: workspace
Package                          Funding


The ’npm fund’ command provides developers with a convenient way to retrieve funding information for packages and understand the financial backing behind the dependencies used in their projects. By using this command, developers can make informed decisions about the support and stability of the packages they integrate into their projects.

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