How to Unpublish an npm Package (with examples)

How to Unpublish an npm Package (with examples)

The npm unpublish command is used to remove packages from the npm registry. Often essential for developers needing to retract a package, this command allows you to manage your published packages effectively, ensuring only the correct versions and packages are publicly available. This can be particularly helpful in scenarios where a package was published accidentally, contains bugs, or needs to comply with new licensing terms or legal requirements.

Below, we explore various use cases of the npm unpublish command, offering detailed examples and explanations for each.

Unpublish a specific package version


npm unpublish package_name@version

Motivation: There are times when a specific version of a package may have been released with bugs or errors that can severely impact its users. Developers may choose to unpublish only that problematic version while leaving other stable versions available for use. This ensures that users don’t accidentally install a buggy version.


  • npm unpublish: This is the base command used to remove a package from the npm registry.
  • package_name@version: Here, package_name refers to the name of the package you wish to unpublish, and version specifies the exact version number that you want to remove from the registry. This prevents the complete package history from being wiped out, focusing only on the version that needs to be withdrawn.

Example Output:

- package_name@version: removed from the registry

Unpublish the entire package


npm unpublish package_name --force

Motivation: In certain situations, developers might decide to completely remove a package from the npm registry. This could be due to a complete overhaul of the package, legal issues, or the discovery of a fundamental flaw affecting all versions. The command ensures the entirety of a package is taken down from the registry.


  • npm unpublish: The starting command to remove packages from npm.
  • package_name: This refers to the name of the package you plan to completely remove.
  • --force: This flag bypasses all prompts and warnings, forcibly unpublishing the entire package. It’s necessary because npm acts protectively to prevent accidents, requiring confirmation to remove all versions of a package.

Example Output:

- package_name: removed from the registry

Unpublish a package that is scoped


npm unpublish @scope/package_name

Motivation: Scoped packages allow developers to group related packages under a single namespace, usually representing a company or organization. In some cases, a specific scoped package may need to be unpublished due to redundancy or updates in organizational strategies. Unpublishing the scoped package keeps the registry organized and up-to-date.


  • npm unpublish: The command for removing items from the npm registry.
  • @scope/package_name: The @scope represents the namespace under which the package resides, and package_name is the specific package within that namespace. It fully identifies the package, ensuring the right package is unpublished.

Example Output:

- @scope/package_name: removed from the registry

Specify a timeout period before unpublishing


npm unpublish package_name --timeout time_in_milliseconds

Motivation: Unpublishing a package can have immediate consequences, especially for users currently reliant on that package. Specifying a timeout gives developers time to notify users or reconsider their decision. This delay ensures that all necessary precautions are in place before proceeding with the unpublish action.


  • npm unpublish: Command for package removal from npm.
  • package_name: The specific package planned for unpublishing.
  • --timeout time_in_milliseconds: This parameter allows specifying a delay (in milliseconds) before the unpublish action is executed. It acts as a buffer period, offering time for notifications or last-minute checks.

Example Output:

- Unpublishing scheduled for package_name in time_in_milliseconds ms

Prevent accidental unpublishing with the dry-run flag


npm unpublish package_name --dry-run

Motivation: Accidental unpublishing can cause significant disruptions. Using the dry-run feature serves as a safeguard, allowing developers to visualize what would be removed without making any actual changes. It’s especially useful for verifying commands in complex workflows or when documentation and IP retention are critical.


  • npm unpublish: Initiates the removal process for npm packages.
  • package_name: The name of the package considered for unpublishing.
  • --dry-run: This flag is a safety net that simulates the unpublish action without actual changes. It helps identify potential issues or confirms the correctness of the intended actions.

Example Output:

- Dry run mode: the following would be unpublished - package_name


The npm unpublish command proves to be a powerful tool for managing npm packages within the developer community. Understanding how it works and implementing it with care helps maintain a stable, secure, and well-organized package ecosystem. By examining these use cases, developers gain insights into how to effectively utilize this command to manage their publishing lifecycle meticulously.

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