How to Use the Command 'npm unstar' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'npm unstar' (with Examples)

The npm unstar command is a powerful tool used by developers to manage their preferences for various npm packages. Starring a package allows users to highlight or “bookmark” packages they find useful or necessary for future projects. However, when a package is no longer needed or has been replaced by something better, it may be prudent to remove it from your favorites list to keep this list relevant and up-to-date. The npm unstar command enables users to swiftly remove the favorite or star mark from any npm package, ensuring their list of starred packages stays organized and clutter-free. Below, we explore various use cases of the npm unstar command to illustrate its versatility.

Use Case 1: Unstar a Public Package from the Default Registry


npm unstar package_name

This is the most straightforward method of unstarring a public package from the default npm registry. Developers might find this useful when they have previously starred packages that were relevant for past projects but are no longer needed for current or future use. By unstarring these packages, they can maintain a list of only those packages that are pertinent to their current workflows.


  • npm unstar: This is the base command used for removing a star from a package.
  • package_name: This argument specifies the name of the package you wish to unstar from your favorites list.

Example Output:

Package 'package_name' has been unstarred.

Use Case 2: Unstar a Package Within a Specific Scope


npm unstar @scope/package_name

Scoped packages are usually used for organizing related packages. A user might want to unstar a package within a specific scope when multiple packages serve a singular purpose and they are either outdated, irrelevant to current development needs, or have newer versions. This helps in keeping organized within a particular namespace that might be associated with a team or personal project.


  • @scope/package_name: This argument is used when a package is part of a scope, which can help in organizing related packages under a shared namespace.

Example Output:

Package '@scope/package_name' has been unstarred.

Use Case 3: Unstar a Package from a Specific Registry


npm unstar package_name --registry=registry_url

Developers often use custom npm registries for managing and distributing their packages internally. If you have defined a certain registry where a package is hosted that is no longer needed, using this command will enable you to unstar the package directly from that specified registry, keeping your starred list tidy and most relevant to the registry being used.


  • package_name: This is the name of the package intended for unstarring.
  • --registry=registry_url: This option specifies the custom registry URL from which the package should be unstarred, rather than the default npm registry.

Example Output:

Package 'package_name' has been unstarred from registry 'registry_url'.

Use Case 4: Unstar a Private Package that Requires Authentication


npm unstar package_name --auth-type=legacy|oauth|web|saml

Many private packages require authentication before making modifications. When working within private environments that require specific authentication methods, this command can help in directly unstarring a package by providing the necessary type of authentication, ensuring secure and smooth package management.


  • package_name: The target package for the unstar operation.
  • --auth-type=legacy|oauth|web|saml: This flag specifies the authentication method required to access and unstar the private package.

Example Output:

Package 'package_name' has been unstarred using auth type 'oauth'.

Use Case 5: Unstar a Package by Providing an OTP for Two-Factor Authentication


npm unstar package_name --otp=otp

For developers who prioritize security, two-factor authentication (2FA) is a crucial step in safeguarding accounts and operations. If your account is 2FA-enabled, providing a one-time password (OTP) is necessary to complete sensitive operations like unstarring a package. This use case is essential for navigating secure npm environments.


  • package_name: Denotes the package you wish to unstar.
  • --otp=otp: This option allows you to pass the one-time password required for verifying and authorizing the unstar operation.

Example Output:

Package 'package_name' has been unstarred using provided OTP.

Use Case 6: Unstar a Package with a Specific Logging Level


npm unstar package_name --loglevel=silent|error|warn|notice|http|timing|info|verbose|silly

Different projects or workflows might require different levels of logging detail, especially when trying to troubleshoot an issue or manage environment noise. By setting a specific logging level, developers can control the granularity of feedback they receive when unstarring a package, therefore making it easier to focus on the surprising or troublesome aspects of the unstar operation.


  • package_name: The name of the package to unstar.
  • --loglevel=silent|error|warn|notice|http|timing|info|verbose|silly: This flag allows the user to define the level of logging, helping manage the verbosity of operations feedback depending on what’s needed for a given task or environment.

Example Output:

Package 'package_name' has been unstarred with log level 'info'.


The npm unstar command offers a range of options that allow developers to efficiently manage their list of starred packages, maintaining a curated list of useful tools tailored to their specific development environments. Whether working with public or private packages, on different registries, or with additional security features like 2FA, these examples demonstrate how npm unstar can accommodate diverse scenarios for optimal package management.

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