Using Nushell for Command-Line Operations (with examples)

Using Nushell for Command-Line Operations (with examples)

Nushell (Nu) is a modern, structured command-line shell that offers a range of powerful features and a user-friendly interface. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the nu command, which is used to start an interactive Nu shell session, execute specific commands, and run scripts. We will also learn how to enable logging for debugging purposes. Let’s dive in!

Use Case 1: Start an interactive shell session

To start an interactive Nu shell session, simply run the following command:



Starting an interactive shell session allows you to directly interact with Nu’s features and capabilities. This is useful for exploring Nu’s commands, pipelines, and data manipulation capabilities.


The command nu starts the Nu shell and provides you with a prompt where you can enter Nu commands.

Example Output

Welcome to Nushell 0.38.1 (type 'help' for more info)

Use Case 2: Execute specific commands

To execute specific commands without starting an interactive session, you can use the --commands flag followed by the desired command. For example:

nu --commands "echo 'nu is executed'"


Executing specific commands allows you to automate tasks or perform one-off operations without the need to open an interactive shell session.


The --commands flag specifies a command to be executed by Nu without entering the interactive shell. In the example above, we use the echo command to output the message “nu is executed”.

Example Output

nu is executed

Use Case 3: Execute a specific script

To execute a specific Nu script, use the nu command followed by the path to the script file. For example:

nu path/to/


Executing Nu scripts allows you to perform complex operations or automate tasks that require multiple commands and operations.


Simply provide the path to the Nu script file as an argument to the nu command. This will execute the script and produce the desired output or perform the intended actions.

Example Output

Output of the script execution

Use Case 4: Execute a specific script with logging

To enable logging and get more information about the execution of a script, you can use the --log-level flag followed by the desired log level (“error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug”, or “trace”). For example:

nu --log-level debug path/to/


Enabling logging is helpful for debugging purposes, as it provides detailed information about the execution of a script, including any errors or warnings encountered.


The --log-level flag sets the desired log level for the Nu shell session. Using different log levels allows you to control the amount of information displayed during script execution. In the example above, we set the log level to “debug” to obtain detailed information.

Example Output

Detailed log output including debug information

By leveraging the different use cases of the nu command, you can make the most out of Nushell’s capabilities and streamline your command-line operations. Whether you need to interactively explore data, execute specific commands, run scripts, or debug your code, Nu offers a versatile and powerful environment. So go ahead, give Nu a try and experience a new type of shell!

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