How to use the command 'nudoku' (with examples)

How to use the command 'nudoku' (with examples)

Nudoku is a Sudoku game that can be played in the terminal. It provides a fun and convenient way to play Sudoku without the need for a graphical user interface.

Use case 1: Start a sudoku game



Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to start a new Sudoku game and challenge yourself with solving the puzzle.

Explanation: Running the command ’nudoku’ starts a new Sudoku game in the terminal.

Example output:

| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |

Use case 2: Choose the difficulty of the game


nudoku -d easy|normal|hard

Motivation: This use case allows you to customize the difficulty level of the Sudoku puzzle according to your preference and skill level.

Explanation: The ‘-d’ flag followed by the difficulty level (easy, normal, or hard) allows you to choose the desired difficulty of the Sudoku game.

Example output:

Difficulty level: Hard
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |

Use case 3: Navigate the board


h|j|k|l OR Left|Down|Up|Right arrow key

Motivation: This use case is essential for moving around the Sudoku board and selecting cells to input the correct numbers.

Explanation: The arrow keys or the keys ‘h’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ’l’ can be used to navigate the Sudoku board. ‘h’ moves the cursor left, ‘j’ moves it down, ‘k’ moves it up, and ’l’ moves it right.

Example output:

| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ X _ | _ _ _ |

Use case 4: Delete a number



Motivation: This use case allows you to remove a number from a selected cell in case you make a mistake or want to change your answer.

Explanation: Pressing the ‘Backspace’ key or ‘x’ deletes the number in the currently selected cell.

Example output:

| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ X | _ _ _ |

Use case 5: Get a hint



Motivation: This use case provides assistance when you get stuck and need a hint to help you progress in solving the Sudoku puzzle.

Explanation: Pressing the ‘H’ key reveals a hint for the current cell.

Example output:

| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ 4 _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |

Use case 6: See the complete solution



Motivation: This use case allows you to see the complete solution to the Sudoku puzzle when you are unable to solve it on your own.

Explanation: Pressing the ‘S’ key reveals the complete solution to the Sudoku puzzle.

Example output:

| 1 _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ 2 _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ |
| _ _ 3 | _ _ _ | _ _ _

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