How to use the command 'nvim' (with examples)

How to use the command 'nvim' (with examples)

Neovim, a programmer’s text editor based on Vim, provides several modes for different kinds of text manipulation. It is similar to Vim, but with added functionalities, better performance, and a more modern codebase. In this article, we will explore various use cases of the ’nvim’ command, including opening a file, entering text editing mode, copying or cutting lines, undoing operations, searching for patterns, performing regular expression substitutions, saving and quitting, and quitting without saving.

Use case 1: Open a file


nvim path/to/file

Motivation: The ’nvim’ command opens the specified file in Neovim. This is useful when you want to edit a file using Neovim. Simply provide the path to the file as an argument, and Neovim will open it for editing.


  • nvim is the command to open Neovim.
  • path/to/file is the path to the file you want to open.

Example output: Neovim opens the specified file in a new buffer, ready for editing.

Use case 2: Enter text editing mode (insert mode)



Motivation: When you are in normal mode in Neovim, pressing ‘i’ allows you to enter insert mode. In insert mode, you can type and edit text like a normal text editor.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • i is the command to enter insert mode.

Example output: Neovim switches from normal mode to insert mode, allowing you to directly type and edit text.

Use case 3: Copy (“yank”) or cut (“delete”) the current line (paste it with P)



Motivation: In Neovim, you can copy or cut a line of text and then paste it elsewhere. This is useful when you want to duplicate or move a line to a different location.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • yy is the command to copy (or “yank”) the current line.
  • dd is the command to cut (or “delete”) the current line.
  • | is used to separate multiple commands, allowing you to perform them consecutively.

Example output: The current line is copied or cut, and can be pasted using the P command.

Use case 4: Enter normal mode and undo the last operation



Motivation: Sometimes, you may make a mistake or accidentally delete something in Neovim. In such cases, you can easily undo the last operation using the ‘u’ command.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • u is the command to undo the last operation.

Example output: Neovim undoes the last operation, reverting the text to its previous state.

Use case 5: Search for a pattern in the file



Motivation: Searching for a specific pattern in a file is a common task during text editing. Neovim allows you to quickly search for patterns and navigate through the matches.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • / is the command to start searching and enter the pattern.
  • search_pattern is the pattern you want to search for. Replace it with the actual pattern.
  • <Enter> is the key to execute the search.

Example output: Neovim highlights the first match of the search pattern in the file. Pressing n will go to the next match, and N will go to the previous match.

Use case 6: Perform a regular expression substitution in the whole file



Motivation: Regular expression substitution allows you to find and replace specific patterns in the file efficiently. This can save a lot of time when you need to make widespread changes in the text.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • : is the command to enter command-line mode.
  • % represents the whole file, indicating that the substitution should be performed in the entire file.
  • s is the substitute command.
  • regular_expression is the regular expression pattern you want to search for.
  • replacement is the text that will replace the matched pattern. Replace it with the desired text.
  • g is the optional flag that performs the substitution globally.

Example output: Neovim performs the regular expression substitution throughout the file, replacing the matched patterns with the specified text.

Use case 7: Enter normal mode and save (write) the file, and quit



Motivation: After making changes to a file, you may want to save the changes and exit Neovim. This command saves the file and quits Neovim.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • : is the command to enter command-line mode.
  • w is the command to write (save) the file.
  • q is the command to quit Neovim.
  • <Enter> is the key to execute the command.

Example output: Neovim saves the file and exits gracefully.

Use case 8: Quit without saving



Motivation: If you made changes to a file but do not wish to save them, you can quit Neovim without saving the changes. This command discards any unsaved modifications.


  • <Esc> is the escape key, which allows you to switch from normal mode to command-line mode.
  • : is the command to enter command-line mode.
  • q is the command to quit Neovim.
  • ! is the optional modifier that forces the quit operation, even if you have unsaved changes.
  • <Enter> is the key to execute the command.

Example output: Neovim exits without saving the changes made to the file.


In this article, we explored several use cases of the ’nvim’ command, which is the command to open Neovim. We learned how to open a file, enter text editing mode, copy or cut lines, undo operations, search for patterns, perform regular expression substitutions, save and quit, and quit without saving. These examples showcase the power and versatility of Neovim as a programmer’s text editor, allowing for efficient and productive text manipulation.

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