Managing Your OpenShift Environment with the 'oc' Command (with examples)

Managing Your OpenShift Environment with the 'oc' Command (with examples)

The OpenShift Container Platform Command Line Interface, known simply as oc, is a powerful tool for developers and administrators alike. It provides comprehensive capabilities to manage applications and containers in an OpenShift environment. The command line interface is essential for automating tasks, scripting deployments, and managing your Kubernetes clusters efficiently. Below, we illustrate the various use cases of the oc command with examples to enhance your understanding and application of this tool.

Use case 1: Logging in to the OpenShift Container Platform Server


oc login


Logging into the OpenShift server is the initial step to gain access so that you can manage your applications and resources. It authenticates your identity and establishes a session with the server, allowing you to execute further commands. Whether you’re managing resources, deploying applications, or monitoring the status of pods, logging in is an integral part of your interaction with OpenShift.


When you execute the oc login command, it prompts you to provide your credentials, consisting of a username and password. This sets up a secure session with the server and enables you to work within your designated projects.

Example Output:

Authentication required for
Username: your_username
Login successful.

Use case 2: Creating a New Project


oc new-project project_name


Projects in OpenShift are logical containers for your applications and their resources. Creating a new project is your starting point for organizing workloads and ensuring coherent application management. Each project can have distinct users, policies, and quotas assigned to it.


  • oc new-project project_name: This command initializes a new project space within OpenShift.
  • project_name: Replace this placeholder with your desired project name. It acts as the unique identifier for the project and must be meaningful to your organizational context.

Example Output:

Now using project "project_name" on server "".

Use case 3: Switching to an Existing Project


oc project project_name


Efficient project management often requires moving between different projects. This command enables you to quickly switch context to work within a different project, which might be where your attention is required for debugging, updates, or deployments.


  • oc project project_name: Designates the active project in your session.
  • project_name: Specifies the project you want to switch to. It’s essential to know the exact project name as this is how the system differentiates between various projects.

Example Output:

Now using project "project_name" on server "".

Use case 4: Adding a New Application to a Project


oc new-app repo_url --name application


Deploying applications is a primary function within OpenShift, and oc new-app simplifies this by auto-generating Kubernetes resources such as deployments, services, and build configurations based on a source code repository. This functionality accelerates the deployment process and ensures consistency.


  • oc new-app repo_url: Initiates the creation of an application using the code specified in the version-controlled repository.
  • repo_url: The URL of your source code repository. This address should be accessible and contain the necessary code for your application.
  • --name application: Optionally assigns a name to your application for easier identification within OpenShift.

Example Output:

--> Found container image ...
Application is now deployed

Use case 5: Opening a Remote Shell Session to a Container


oc rsh pod_name


At times, troubleshooting or command execution within a running container is necessary. oc rsh provides direct access to the command line of a specific pod, allowing developers to perform debugging tasks or check runtime state.


  • oc rsh pod_name: Opens an interactive shell session within a specified Kubernetes pod.
  • pod_name: Indicates the name of the pod you wish to access. This is critical when multiple pods are running, and you need to target a specific one for inspection.

Example Output:

sh-4.2# _

Use case 6: Listing Pods in a Project


oc get pods


Viewing the status of all pods within a project is crucial for monitoring application health and performance. This command provides an overview of all active, pending, or failed pods under the current project.


  • oc get pods: Lists all pods, showing crucial details such as their status, restarts, and age. It’s a snapshot of your project’s current operational state.

Example Output:

NAME                          READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
myapp-1-9js2c                 1/1       Running   0          10m
myapp-2-deploy                0/1       Pending   0          5m

Use case 7: Logging Out from the Current Session


oc logout


After completing tasks on OpenShift, logging out is essential for maintaining security. Ending the session ensures that unauthorized users cannot gain access through your credentials, preserving the integrity of your workspace.


  • oc logout: Ends the current session, discarding your authentication token and closing server communication.

Example Output:

Logged "your_username" out on ""


The oc command line tool is indispensable in the management and operation of OpenShift environments. From logging in, creating projects, deploying applications, to monitoring and troubleshooting—oc offers comprehensive functionalities to seamlessly manage containerized applications. Understanding these commands unlocks the potential for efficient cloud-native application development and management within OpenShift.

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