How to use the command 'octave' (with examples)

How to use the command 'octave' (with examples)

Octave is a programming language specifically designed for scientific computing. It provides an interactive environment for numerical computations, data analysis, and visualization. This article will illustrate various use cases of the ‘octave’ command along with their code, motivation, explanation, and example output.

Use case 1: Start an interactive session




Starting an interactive session allows users to write, execute, and test their Octave code in a command-line environment. It is particularly useful for quick calculations or exploratory data analysis.


By simply typing ‘octave’ in the command prompt, an interactive Octave session is initiated. Users can then enter their Octave code line by line and press enter to execute it. The result of each command is displayed immediately.

Example output:

GNU Octave, version 6.3.0
Octave was configured for "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".

Additional information about Octave is available at

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Use case 2: Execute a specific script file


octave path/to/script.m


Executing a specific script file allows users to run pre-written Octave code stored in a file. It is useful when the code is complex or needs to be reused multiple times.


To execute a specific script file, the ‘octave’ command is followed by the path to the script file, including the file extension ‘.m’. Octave will interpret and execute the code in the script file line by line, displaying the results on the command prompt.

Example output:

>> octave path/to/script.m
output: 42

Use case 3: Execute a script file with specific arguments


octave path/to/script.m argument1 argument2 ...


Executing a script file with specific arguments allows users to pass inputs to the script, making it flexible and customizable. It is useful for performing calculations or data analysis on different datasets or configurations.


In this use case, additional arguments can be passed to the script by providing them after the script file path. These arguments can be used within the script to modify its behavior or process specific data. The number and meaning of the arguments depend on the script itself.

Example output:

>> octave path/to/script.m input_file.txt output_file.txt
output: successfully processed input_file.txt and saved the result in output_file.txt

Use case 4: Start an interactive session with a GUI


octave --gui


Starting an interactive session with a GUI provides a graphical user interface for Octave, allowing users to interact with their code using visual tools. It is particularly useful for tasks that involve plotting or visualization.


By adding the ‘–gui’ flag to the ‘octave’ command, an interactive Octave session is initiated with a graphical user interface. This GUI provides a windowed environment where users can write and execute their code, as well as access additional tools for data visualization and manipulation.

Example output:

A graphical user interface window appears, allowing users to interact with Octave using a visual interface.

Use case 5: Display help


octave --help


Displaying help provides users with information about the available options, flags, and commands of the ‘octave’ command. It helps users understand how to use specific features or functionalities.


By adding the ‘–help’ flag to the ‘octave’ command, a summary of the available command-line options is displayed, including a brief explanation of their purpose and usage.

Example output:

Usage: octave [options] [-h|--help] [file ...]

  --gui                           Open a graphical user interface.
  --info-file                     Print name of Octave Info file and exit.
  --interpret                     Force interpretation of all m-files.
  --no-site-file                  Do not read Octave site-wide startup file.
  --no-window-system              Disable use of graphics including the
                                  gnuplot interface.

For more details, refer to the Octave manual at <>

octave exit status is the largest value returned by any executed program or


Use case 6: Display version


octave --version


Displaying the version information of Octave helps users verify which version is currently installed on their system. It is useful for troubleshooting purposes or to ensure compatibility with specific features or libraries.


By adding the ‘–version’ flag to the ‘octave’ command, the version information of Octave is displayed, including the version number, configuration details, and additional references for more information.

Example output:

GNU Octave, version 6.3.0
Octave was configured for "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".

Additional information about Octave is available at

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In this article, we explored the various use cases of the ‘octave’ command, including starting an interactive session, executing script files, passing arguments to scripts, starting a GUI session, displaying help, and displaying the version. These examples demonstrate the versatility and power of Octave for scientific computing, data analysis, and visualization.

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