How to use the command "octo" (with examples)

How to use the command "octo" (with examples)

The “octo” command-line tool is utilized with Octopus Deploy, a DevOps platform that automates the deployment of applications. “octo” provides a set of commands that can be used to interact with the Octopus server and perform various actions such as creating packages, pushing packages to repositories, creating releases, and deploying releases.

Use case 1: Create a package


octo pack --id=package


Creating packages is a fundamental step in the deployment pipeline. By using the “octo pack” command, a package can be generated for an application or component, which can then be pushed to a repository and later deployed.


  • octo pack: The command to generate a package.
  • --id=package: The identifier for the package. Replace “package” with the appropriate name or ID.

Example output:

Packing package...
Package created successfully.

Use case 2: Push a package to a repository on the Octopus server


octo push --package=package


After creating a package, it needs to be stored in a repository for future use. With the “octo push” command, a package can be uploaded to a repository on the Octopus server, making it accessible for deployment.


  • octo push: The command to push a package to a repository.
  • --package=package: Specifies the package to be pushed. Replace “package” with the name or ID of the intended package.

Example output:

Pushing package...
Package successfully pushed to the repository.

Use case 3: Create a release


octo create-release --project=project_name --packageversion=version


Once packages are stored in the repository, releases can be created to track the specific versions of the application or component being deployed. The “octo create-release” command enables the creation of a release, associating it with the desired project and package version.


  • octo create-release: The command to create a release.
  • --project=project_name: Specifies the project for which the release is being created. Replace “project_name” with the name or ID of the project.
  • --packageversion=version: Specifies the version of the package to be associated with the release. Replace “version” with the desired package version.

Example output:

Creating release...
Release successfully created. Version: 1.0.0

Use case 4: Deploy a release


octo deploy-release --project=project_name --packageversion=version --deployto=environment_name --tenant=deployment_target


Deploying a release involves deploying a specific version of an application or component to a chosen environment. With the “octo deploy-release” command, the release can be deployed to the desired target environment, potentially specifying a particular deployment target for tenant-specific deployments.


  • octo deploy-release: The command to deploy a release.
  • --project=project_name: Specifies the project containing the release. Replace “project_name” with the name or ID of the project.
  • --packageversion=version: Specifies the version of the package associated with the release. Replace “version” with the desired package version.
  • --deployto=environment_name: Specifies the target environment for the deployment. Replace “environment_name” with the name or ID of the environment.
  • --tenant=deployment_target: (optional) Specifies a deployment target for tenant-specific deployments. Replace “deployment_target” with the name or ID of the deployment target, if needed.

Example output:

Deploying release...
Release successfully deployed to "Production" environment.


The “octo” command-line tool provides a range of commands to interact with Octopus Deploy, enabling package creation, repository management, release creation, and deployment. By following the provided examples and understanding the meanings of each argument, users can leverage “octo” to streamline their deployment processes and automate application rollouts.

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