Managing User Authorities in ODPS with Examples

Managing User Authorities in ODPS with Examples

User authorities are essential for managing security and access control in the Open Data Processing Service (ODPS). In this article, we will explore different use cases of the odps auth command and provide code examples to illustrate each use case.

Add a User to the Current Project

To add a user to the current project, you can use the following command:

add user username;

Motivation: Adding a user to the current project allows them to access and perform operations within the project. This is useful when you want to grant specific users access to project resources.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • username: The name of the user that you want to add to the current project.

Example Output:

User username is added to the current project successfully.

Grant Authorities to a User

Granting a set of authorities to a user is done using the grant command. The syntax is as follows:

grant action_list on object_type object_name to user username;

Motivation: Granting authorities to a user allows them to perform specific actions on a particular object within the project. It provides fine-grained access control and enhances security.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • action_list: A comma-separated list of actions that you want to grant to the user. For example, READ,WRITE,EXECUTE.
  • object_type: The type of object on which you want to grant authorities. It can be TABLE, FUNCTION, VIEW, etc.
  • object_name: The name of the object on which you want to grant authorities.
  • username: The name of the user to whom you want to grant authorities.

Example Output:

Granted READ,WRITE,EXECUTE on TABLE my_table to user username successfully.

Show Authorities of a User

To view the authorities of a user, you can use the show grants for command:

show grants for username;

Motivation: Showing the authorities of a user helps you verify their access rights and understand what actions they can perform on various objects within the project.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • username: The name of the user for whom you want to display the granted authorities.

Example Output:

The user username has the following grants:
- EXECUTE on FUNCTION my_function

Create a User Role

To create a user role, you can use the following command:

create role role_name;

Motivation: User roles simplify user management by allowing you to group users with similar access requirements together. Instead of granting authorities individually to users, you can grant them to a role and then assign the role to users.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • role_name: The name of the role that you want to create.

Example Output:

Role role_name created successfully.

Grant Authorities to a Role

Granting authorities to a role is similar to granting authorities to a user. The command syntax is as follows:

grant action_list on object_type object_name to role role_name;

Motivation: Granting authorities to a role allows all the users assigned to that role to inherit the same set of authorities. It simplifies access control management and ensures consistent permissions across a group of users.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • The action_list, object_type, object_name arguments have the same meanings as explained in the “Grant Authorities to a User” use case.
  • role_name: The name of the role to which you want to grant authorities.

Example Output:

Granted READ,WRITE,EXECUTE on TABLE my_table to role role_name successfully.

Describe Authorities of a Role

To view the authorities granted to a role, you can use the desc role command:

desc role role_name;

Motivation: Describing the authorities of a role helps you understand the permissions assigned to that role and verify if the correct authorities have been granted.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • role_name: The name of the role for which you want to describe the authorities.

Example Output:

Role role_name has the following grants:
- EXECUTE on FUNCTION my_function

Grant a Role to a User

To assign a role to a user, you can use the following command:

grant role_name to username;

Motivation: Granting a role to a user enables them to inherit the authorities of that role. It simplifies user management by associating a user with a specific set of permissions required for their role.

Explanation for Arguments:

  • role_name: The name of the role that you want to grant.
  • username: The name of the user to whom you want to assign the role.

Example Output:

Granted role role_name to user username successfully.


In this article, we explored eight different use cases of the odps auth command in ODPS. The command provides powerful functionality to manage user authorities, helping you control access to project resources efficiently. By using these examples and understanding the arguments and their meanings, you can effectively manage user roles, grant authorities, and ensure proper security and access control within your ODPS environment.

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