How to use the command 'odps' (with examples)

How to use the command 'odps' (with examples)

The ‘odps’ command is the command-line tool for Aliyun ODPS (Open Data Processing Service). It allows users to interact with their ODPS projects, tables, partitions, and perform various operations through the command line.

Use case 1: Start the command-line with a custom configuration file


odpscmd --config=odps_config.ini

Motivation: In some cases, users may need to start the ‘odps’ command-line with a custom configuration file. This is particularly useful when the default configurations do not meet the requirements of the project or when specific settings need to be applied.


  • odpscmd: The command to start the ‘odps’ command-line tool.
  • --config=odps_config.ini: Specifies the path to the custom configuration file.

Example output:

ODPS: command line tool for Alibaba Cloud Open Data Processing Service
Please input access_id: ***********
Please input access_key: ***********
login success

Use case 2: Switch current project


use project_name;

Motivation: Users often work on multiple projects within an ODPS account. By switching the current project, users can easily navigate between different projects and perform operations on the desired project.


  • use: The keyword to switch the current project.
  • project_name: The name of the project to switch to.

Example output:

Project is switched to project_name.

Use case 3: Show tables in the current project


show tables;

Motivation: When working within a project, it is important to have a list of all the tables available. The ‘show tables’ command helps users get the list of tables in the current project.


  • show tables: The command to list all the tables in the current project.

Example output:

|         Tables       |
| table1               |
| table2               |
| table3               |

Use case 4: Describe a table


desc table_name;

Motivation: Understanding the structure and metadata of a table is crucial for data analysis and manipulation. The ‘desc’ command provides users with detailed information about the specified table.


  • desc: The command to describe a table.
  • table_name: The name of the table to describe.

Example output:

|    Column     |    Type    | Comment |
| column1       | string     |         |
| column2       | bigint     |         |
| column3       | double     |         |

Use case 5: Show table partitions


show partitions table_name;

Motivation: A table in ODPS can be partitioned based on specific fields. To understand the partitioning scheme and list all the available partitions, the ‘show partitions’ command is used.


  • show partitions: The command to list all the partitions of a table.
  • table_name: The name of the table to show partitions for.

Example output:

|  Partitions    |
| partition1     |
| partition2     |
| partition3     |

Use case 6: Describe a partition


desc table_name partition (partition_spec);

Motivation: When a table is partitioned, it is useful to understand the metadata and structure of a specific partition. The ‘desc’ command can be used to describe a specific partition of a table.


  • desc: The command to describe a partition of a table.
  • table_name: The name of the table that contains the partition.
  • partition_spec: The specification of the partition, which can include partition key-value pairs.

Example output:

|    Column     |    Type    | Comment |
| column1       | string     |         |
| column2       | bigint     |         |
| column3       | double     |         |


The ‘odps’ command-line tool provides a set of powerful functionalities to interact with Aliyun ODPS. By using the various subcommands, users can start the command-line with a custom configuration file, switch between projects, list tables, describe tables, show partitions, and describe partitions. This is essential for managing and analyzing data within an Aliyun ODPS environment.

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