How to use the command 'odps resource' (with examples)

How to use the command 'odps resource' (with examples)

This command allows users to manage resources in ODPS (Open Data Processing Service). It provides functionalities to add, list, and delete resources in an ODPS project.

Use case 1: Show resources in the current project.


odps resource list resources;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to view all the resources available in the current project. It helps in gaining an overview of the resources that have been added and their corresponding aliases.

Explanation: The command odps resource list resources; is used to list all the resources in the current project. It does not require any additional arguments.

Example output:

Resources in project: my_project
| Resource |         Type          |  Alias  |
| file     | /path/to/filename.txt | alias_1 |
| archive  | /path/to/archive.tar  | alias_2 |
| jar      | /path/to/package.jar  |         |
| py       | /path/to/    |         |

Use case 2: Add file resource.


odps resource add file /path/to/filename.txt as alias_1;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add a file resource to your ODPS project. File resources can be used to store larger files that are required for data processing.

Explanation: The command odps resource add file /path/to/filename.txt as alias_1; adds a file resource to the current project. The resource file path should be specified as /path/to/filename.txt and the alias name should be provided as alias_1.

Example output:

Added file resource:
- File path: /path/to/filename.txt
- Alias: alias_1

Use case 3: Add archive resource.


odps resource add archive /path/to/archive.tar.gz as alias_2;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add an archived resource to your ODPS project. Archive resources are used when you need to bundle multiple files into a single resource.

Explanation: The command odps resource add archive /path/to/archive.tar.gz as alias_2; adds an archive resource to the current project. The archive file path should be specified as /path/to/archive.tar.gz and the alias name should be provided as alias_2.

Example output:

Added archive resource:
- Archive path: /path/to/archive.tar.gz
- Alias: alias_2

Use case 4: Add .jar resource.


odps resource add jar /path/to/package.jar;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add a .jar resource to your ODPS project. Jar resources contain Java classes or libraries that can be used in ODPS operations.

Explanation: The command odps resource add jar /path/to/package.jar; adds a .jar resource to the current project. The .jar file path should be specified as /path/to/package.jar.

Example output:

Added .jar resource:
- Jar path: /path/to/package.jar

Use case 5: Add .py resource.


odps resource add py /path/to/;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to add a .py resource to your ODPS project. .py resources are Python scripts that can be used in ODPS operations.

Explanation: The command odps resource add py /path/to/; adds a .py resource to the current project. The .py file path should be specified as /path/to/

Example output:

Added .py resource:
- Py path: /path/to/

Use case 6: Delete resource.


odps resource drop resource_name;

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to delete a resource from your ODPS project. Deleting unnecessary resources helps in keeping the project organized.

Explanation: The command odps resource drop resource_name; deletes the specified resource from the current project. The resource_name argument should be replaced with the actual name of the resource you want to delete.

Example output:

Resource 'resource_name' has been deleted successfully.


The odps resource command provides a convenient way to manage resources in an ODPS project. It allows users to add, list, and delete resources, which helps in organizing and utilizing resources effectively.

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