How to Use the Command 'odps table' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'odps table' (with Examples)

The ‘odps table’ command in the Open Data Processing Service (ODPS) is a powerful tool provided by Alibaba Cloud that allows users to create, modify, and manage tables within their data processing and analysis workflows. This command is integral for data engineers and scientists who work with large datasets and need a flexible and scalable solution for their data infrastructure. Below are detailed use cases illustrating the various functionalities of the ‘odps table’ command.

Use Case 1: Creating a Table with Partition and Lifecycle


create table table_name (col type) partitioned by (col type) lifecycle days;

Motivation: Creating a table with partitions and a lifecycle is essential for efficient data management. Partitioning allows for dividing data into smaller, more manageable pieces, improving query performance, and ensuring the data is stored optimally. The lifecycle option automates data cleanup, which is crucial for maintaining efficient data storage management by automatically deleting data after a specified number of days.


  • create table table_name: This initiates the creation of a new table in ODPS, where ’table_name’ is the name you want to assign to your table.
  • (col type): This specifies the columns and their data types for the table. It defines the schema structure the table will adhere to.
  • partitioned by (col type): Here, you specify the column(s) by which the table will be partitioned, allowing for better data organization and query performance.
  • lifecycle days: This defines the duration (in days) after which the data will automatically be deleted, helping to manage storage costs by removing obsolete data.

Example Output: Upon successful execution, a new table named ’table_name’ will be created with specified partitions and lifecycle constraints. There might be a system message confirming the creation, such as “Table table_name created successfully with partitions and lifecycle settings.”

Use Case 2: Creating a Table Based on the Definition of Another Table


create table table_name like another_table;

Motivation: Creating a table based on another table’s definition is advantageous when there is a need to replicate table structure without data duplication. This is particularly useful when organizing experiments or developing new ETL workflows without affecting the production data schema.


  • create table table_name: This command initiates the creation of a new table named ’table_name’.
  • like another_table: This part of the command replicates the structure of ‘another_table’, including column names and data types, ensuring consistency in data formats without manually defining each attribute.

Example Output: The output is a new table, ’table_name’, which has the same structure as ‘another_table’. A message confirming the operation might state, “Table table_name created using the structure of another_table.”

Use Case 3: Adding a Partition to a Table


alter table table_name add partition (partition_spec);

Motivation: Adding a new partition to an existing table is crucial when new data is ingested, and you want to optimize query performance and management. Partitioning can significantly speed up data retrieval operations, especially for large datasets.


  • alter table table_name: This part specifies that you are modifying ’table_name’.
  • add partition (partition_spec): ‘partition_spec’ denotes the details for the new partition, such as date or category, that will be added to your table, allowing for extended partitioned storage.

Example Output: Once the command is executed, the designated partition is added to ’table_name’. The success message may say, “Partition added to table_name successfully.”

Use Case 4: Deleting a Partition from a Table


alter table table_name drop partition (partition_spec);

Motivation: Deleting a partition is necessary when the partitioned dataset is no longer needed, which helps in managing storage space and maintaining only relevant data.


  • alter table table_name: Identifies the target table (table_name) that you will be modifying.
  • drop partition (partition_spec): The ‘partition_spec’ specifies which partition is to be removed from the table.

Example Output: The defined partition will be removed from ’table_name’. A typical outcome message could be, “Partition successfully dropped from table_name.”

Use Case 5: Deleting a Table


drop table table_name;

Motivation: Deleting a table is justified when the data it holds is redundant or when restructuring data warehouse architecture. It helps to avoid unnecessary data curation costs and maintain a streamlined data environment.


  • drop table table_name: This command will permanently remove ’table_name’ from the ODPS, making it inaccessible and freeing up storage space.

Example Output: The table ’table_name’ will be removed from the data store. A typical confirmation message might be, “Table table_name dropped successfully.”


The ‘odps table’ command is a versatile tool within ODPS, enabling efficient table creation, modification, partition management, and deletion. These operations are essential for those working with data-driven infrastructures, ensuring optimal performance, organization, and resource management. With the provided examples, users can implement these commands effectively to suit their data processing needs.

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