How to use the command "ollama" (with examples)

How to use the command "ollama" (with examples)

The “ollama” command is a large language model runner that allows users to interact with different models. It provides a variety of use cases such as starting the daemon required to run other commands, running a model and chatting with it, listing downloaded models, deleting a model, and creating a new model from a Modelfile.

Use case 1: Start the daemon required to run other commands


ollama serve

Motivation: Starting the daemon is the first step required to run other commands with the “ollama” tool. This command ensures that the necessary background processes are initiated and ready for executing subsequent actions.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • serve: The specific subcommand that starts the daemon.

Example output:

Daemon started successfully.

Use case 2: Run a model and chat with it


ollama run model

Motivation: This use case allows users to run a specific model and engage in a conversation with it. It provides an interactive way to explore and interact with the capabilities of the language model.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • run: The specific subcommand used to run the model.
  • model: The name or identifier of the model to be executed.

Example output:

Model "model" is now running. You can start chatting with it.

Use case 3: Run a model with a single prompt


ollama run model prompt

Motivation: Running a model with a single prompt allows users to provide an initial input or query for the model to generate a response based on the given prompt. This use case enables users to receive targeted responses specific to their prompts.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • run: The specific subcommand used to run the model.
  • model: The name or identifier of the model to be executed.
  • prompt: The initial input or query to be provided to the model.

Example output:

Model "model" is now running with the prompt: "prompt".

Use case 4: List downloaded models


ollama list

Motivation: It’s helpful to be able to view a list of downloaded models to keep track of the available options and to manage them effectively. This use case allows users to quickly see the models they have downloaded and stored.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • list: The specific subcommand used to list the downloaded models.

Example output:

-------------- Downloaded Models --------------
1. model_1
2. model_2
3. model_3

Use case 5: Delete a model


ollama rm model

Motivation: Sometimes, it becomes necessary to remove a downloaded model to free up storage space or to clean up unused resources. This use case allows users to delete a specific model that they no longer require.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • rm: The specific subcommand used to remove a model.
  • model: The name or identifier of the model to be deleted.

Example output:

Model "model" has been successfully deleted.

Use case 6: Create a model from a Modelfile


ollama create new_model_name -f path/to/Modelfile

Motivation: This use case enables users to create a new model from a Modelfile, which contains the necessary information and specifications to build a custom language model. It provides flexibility for users to customize and create their own models based on their specific requirements.


  • ollama: The main command to interact with the language model runner.
  • create: The specific subcommand used to create a new model.
  • new_model_name: The name of the new model to be created.
  • -f path/to/Modelfile: The path to the Modelfile which contains the specifications for building the new model.

Example output:

New model "new_model_name" has been successfully created from the Modelfile located at "path/to/Modelfile".


The “ollama” command provides a versatile and convenient way to interact with language models. Whether it’s starting the required daemon, running and chatting with models, managing downloaded models, or creating custom models, “ollama” offers a comprehensive set of functionalities to explore and utilize language models effectively.

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