How to use the command 'omf' (with examples)

How to use the command 'omf' (with examples)

Oh My Fish (OMF) is a fish shell framework that allows users to extend and modify their fish shell by installing packages and themes. This article provides examples of different use cases of the omf command.

Use case 1: Install one or more packages


omf install name

Motivation: Installing packages using omf allows users to add additional functionality to their fish shell. For example, users can install packages for auto-completion, syntax highlighting, or custom prompt themes.


  • omf install: This command is used to install packages.
  • name: This argument represents the name of the package to be installed.

Example output:

$ omf install z
📦 Package name not found: z

Use case 2: List installed packages


omf list

Motivation: Listing installed packages helps users keep track of the packages they have installed. This can be useful when troubleshooting or modifying the fish shell configuration.


  • omf list: This command is used to list installed packages.

Example output:

$ omf list

Use case 3: List available themes


omf theme

Motivation: Getting a list of available themes allows users to choose and apply a specific theme to customize the appearance of their fish shell.


  • omf theme: This command is used to list available themes.

Example output:

$ omf theme

Use case 4: Apply a theme


omf theme name

Motivation: Applying a theme changes the visual appearance of the fish shell. Users can select a theme that suits their personal preferences or enhances the usability of the shell.


  • omf theme: This command is used to apply a theme.
  • name: This argument represents the name of the theme to be applied.

Example output:

$ omf theme budspencer

Use case 5: Remove a theme or package


omf remove name

Motivation: Removing a theme or package allows users to uninstall unwanted or outdated customizations from their fish shell. This helps to keep the shell clean and organized.


  • omf remove: This command is used to remove a theme or package.
  • name: This argument represents the name of the theme or package to be removed.

Example output:

$ omf remove budspencer

Use case 6: Uninstall Oh My Fish


omf destroy

Motivation: Uninstalling Oh My Fish allows users to completely remove the framework and revert back to the default fish shell configuration.


  • omf destroy: This command is used to uninstall Oh My Fish.

Example output:

$ omf destroy
🔥 Removing Oh My Fish...
🔥 Done!


The omf command provides various use cases for managing packages and themes in the fish shell. It enables users to easily install, list, apply, remove, and uninstall packages and themes. With Oh My Fish, users can customize their fish shell to suit their preferences and enhance their overall shell experience.

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