How to use the command 'omz' (with examples)

How to use the command 'omz' (with examples)

The ‘omz’ command-line tool is a convenient way to manage Oh My Zsh, a framework that provides a feature-rich and customizable Zsh configuration. With ‘omz’, you can update Oh My Zsh, view the changelog, reload the Zsh session, manage plugins, and set themes easily.

Use case 1: Update Oh My Zsh


omz update

Motivation: The ‘omz update’ command allows you to effortlessly update Oh My Zsh to the latest version. By running this command, you can benefit from bug fixes, new features, and improvements introduced in subsequent releases.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • update is a subcommand that updates Oh My Zsh to the latest version.

Example output:

Upgrading Oh My Zsh
Oh My Zsh is now up to date.

Use case 2: Print the changes from the latest update of Oh My Zsh


omz changelog

Motivation: The ‘omz changelog’ command enables you to quickly review the changes made in the latest update of Oh My Zsh. This can help you understand any modifications to the framework and how it may impact your current configuration.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • changelog is a subcommand that displays the changelog for the latest version of Oh My Zsh.

Example output:

Oh My Zsh Changelog:
Version X.X.X
- Feature A
- Bug fix B
- Improved performance

Use case 3: Restart the current Zsh session and Oh My Zsh


omz reload

Motivation: The ‘omz reload’ command allows you to reload the current Zsh session with the updated Oh My Zsh configuration. This ensures that any changes made to the framework, such as activating or deactivating plugins or setting a new theme, take effect immediately.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • reload is a subcommand that restarts the current Zsh session and loads the updated Oh My Zsh configuration.

Example output:

Reloading Oh My Zsh and the Zsh session...
Reload complete.

Use case 4: List all available plugins


omz plugin list

Motivation: The ‘omz plugin list’ command provides a comprehensive list of all the available plugins that you can enable and use with Oh My Zsh. This helps you explore the functionality provided by the available plugins and make informed decisions about which ones to activate.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • plugin is a subcommand used for plugin management.
  • list is an argument that instructs ‘omz’ to list all available plugins.

Example output:

Available plugins:
- plugin1
- plugin2
- plugin3

Use case 5: Enable/Disable an Oh My Zsh plugin


omz plugin enable|disable plugin

Motivation: The ‘omz plugin enable|disable plugin’ command allows you to conveniently enable or disable a specific Oh My Zsh plugin based on your needs. By activating or deactivating plugins, you can tailor your Zsh experience and leverage the functionality offered by the selected plugins.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • plugin is a subcommand used for plugin management.
  • enable|disable is an argument that specifies whether to enable or disable the plugin.
  • plugin is the name of the plugin to enable or disable.

Example output:

Disabling plugin 'plugin1'...
Plugin 'plugin1' has been disabled.

Use case 6: List all available themes


omz theme list

Motivation: The ‘omz theme list’ command provides you with a comprehensive list of the available themes for Oh My Zsh. By reviewing this list, you can explore various themes and select one that suits your preferences and enhances your terminal experience.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • theme is a subcommand used for theme management.
  • list is an argument that instructs ‘omz’ to list all available themes.

Example output:

Available themes:
- theme1
- theme2
- theme3

Use case 7: Set an Oh My Zsh theme in ~/.zshrc


omz theme set theme

Motivation: The ‘omz theme set theme’ command allows you to easily set a specific theme for Oh My Zsh. Customizing the theme can help you personalize your terminal appearance and make it more aesthetically pleasing and functional.


  • omz is the command used to interact with Oh My Zsh.
  • theme is a subcommand used for theme management.
  • set is an argument that instructs ‘omz’ to set the theme.
  • theme is the name of the theme to be set.

Example output:

Setting theme to 'theme1'...
Theme successfully set to 'theme1'.


The ‘omz’ command-line tool provides a convenient way to manage Oh My Zsh and enhance your Zsh terminal experience. Whether it’s updating Oh My Zsh, reviewing the changelog, managing plugins and themes, or reloading the Zsh session, ‘omz’ simplifies these tasks and offers powerful customization options for your Zsh configuration.

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