Using the openttd command (with examples)

Using the openttd command (with examples)

Start a new game

openttd -g


This command is used to start a new game in OpenTTD, the open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”. It launches the game without loading any save game file, allowing the player to start fresh.


The -g option tells the openttd command to start a new game.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Starting a new game...

Load save game at start

openttd -g path/to/file


This command is useful when you want to load a previously saved game in OpenTTD. By specifying the path to the save game file, you can resume your progress from where you left off.


The -g option is used to indicate that a game should be started. The path/to/file argument specifies the location of the save game file that you want to load.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Loading save game from path/to/file...

Start with the specified window resolution

openttd -r 1920x1080


This command allows you to set the resolution of the game window according to your preference. By specifying the desired width and height, you can customize the game window to fit your screen.


The -r option is used to specify the window resolution. The 1920x1080 argument sets the game window to a width of 1920 pixels and a height of 1080 pixels.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Starting with a window resolution of 1920x1080...

Start with a custom configuration file

openttd -c path/to/file


This command is useful when you want to use a custom configuration file to modify the game settings. By specifying the path to the configuration file, you can load specific preferences and options for your game.


The -c option is used to specify the custom configuration file. The path/to/file argument indicates the location of the configuration file that you want to use.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Using custom configuration file located at path/to/file...

Start with selected video, sound, and music drivers

openttd -v video_driver -s sound_driver -m music_driver


This command allows you to set the video, sound, and music drivers to be used in the game. By specifying the desired drivers, you can customize the multimedia settings of OpenTTD.


The -v option is used to specify the video driver, the -s option is used to specify the sound driver, and the -m option is used to specify the music driver. The video_driver, sound_driver, and music_driver arguments indicate the respective drivers to be used.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Using video driver: video_driver
Using sound driver: sound_driver
Using music driver: music_driver

Start a dedicated server, forked in the background

openttd -f -D host:port


This command is used to start a dedicated OpenTTD server, which allows multiplayer gameplay. By forking the server in the background, you can run it independently of a terminal session.


The -f option is used to fork the process, running the server in the background. The -D option is used to specify the host and port for the server. The host:port argument indicates the IP address or hostname and the port number to bind the server to.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Starting a dedicated server at host:port...

Join a server with a password

openttd -n host:port#player_name -p password


This command is useful when you want to join a password-protected OpenTTD server. By providing the server details and the correct password, you can connect to the multiplayer game.


The -n option is used to specify the server details and the player name. The host:port#player_name argument indicates the IP address or hostname, port number, and the desired player name. The -p option is used to specify the password for the server. The password argument is the password required to join the server.

Example output:

OpenTTD 1.10.3
Joining server: host:port#player_name with password: ********

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