ORCA-c Command Line Interface (CLI) Examples (with examples)

ORCA-c Command Line Interface (CLI) Examples (with examples)

1: Starting ORCA with an empty workspace



Motivation: This command starts the ORCA programming environment with an empty workspace, allowing the user to create and edit procedural sequencers from scratch. It is useful when you want to start a new project or experiment with ORCA without any initial code.

Explanation: The command orca-c starts the ORCA CLI, which launches the ORCA programming environment with an empty workspace.

Example Output: Upon executing the command, the ORCA window will open, showing a blank grid ready to be populated with operators and data cells.

2: Starting ORCA and opening a specific file


orca-c path/to/file.orca

Motivation: This command allows the user to open a specific ORCA file directly in the ORCA programming environment. It is useful when you want to continue working on an existing project or load a previously saved ORCA sequencer.

Explanation: By specifying the file path after the orca-c command, ORCA will launch and automatically open the specified ORCA file in the workspace.

Example Output: Upon executing the command with a valid file path, the ORCA window will open, displaying the contents of the specified ORCA file in the workspace.

3: Starting ORCA and setting a specific tempo


orca-c --bpm beats_per_minute

Motivation: This command allows the user to set a specific tempo (in beats per minute) for their ORCA sequencer. It is useful when working on a project that requires precise timing or synchronization with other elements.

Explanation: By using the --bpm option followed by the desired beats per minute value, ORCA will start with the specified tempo.

Example Output: Executing the command orca-c --bpm 140 will start ORCA with a tempo of 140 beats per minute, resulting in a faster playback speed of the sequencer.

4: Starting ORCA and setting the size of the grid


orca-c --initial-size columnsxrows

Motivation: This command allows the user to configure the initial size of the ORCA grid based on their specific project requirements. It is useful when you know that your sequencer will require a larger or smaller grid than the default size.

Explanation: Using the --initial-size option followed by the desired number of columns and rows separated by ‘x’, ORCA will start with a grid of the specified size.

Example Output: Executing the command orca-c --initial-size 10x6 will start ORCA with a workspace grid that has 10 columns and 6 rows, providing a larger surface to create and arrange operators and data cells.

5: Starting ORCA and setting the maximum number of undo steps


orca-c --undo-limit limit

Motivation: This command allows the user to customize the maximum number of undo steps available in ORCA. It is useful when you want to have more or fewer undo steps depending on your workflow and the size of your project.

Explanation: By using the --undo-limit option followed by the desired limit value, ORCA will allow you to undo actions up to the specified limit.

Example Output: Executing the command orca-c --undo-limit 50 will start ORCA with a maximum of 50 undo steps, meaning the user can undo up to the 50 most recent actions performed in the sequencer.

6: Showing the main menu inside of ORCA



Motivation: This command shows the main menu within the ORCA programming environment. It is useful when you need quick access to various actions and settings available in ORCA, such as file operations, playback controls, and display configurations.

Explanation: Pressing the F1 key while inside the ORCA window will display the main menu, which lists all the available commands and their corresponding keybindings.

Example Output: Upon pressing F1, a popup window will appear showing the main menu options, allowing the user to navigate and perform various actions within ORCA.

7: Showing all shortcuts inside of ORCA



Motivation: This command displays all the available shortcuts and their functionalities within the ORCA programming environment. It is useful when you want to quickly access different features without having to navigate through the menu or look up specific keybindings.

Explanation: Typing the ? character while inside the ORCA window will display a help screen showing all the available shortcuts, along with a brief description of their functionalities.

Example Output: Upon typing ?, a help screen will appear listing all the available shortcuts, helping the user navigate and perform various actions within ORCA more efficiently.

8: Showing all ORCA operators inside of ORCA


Ctrl + g

Motivation: This command displays all the ORCA operators available within the ORCA programming environment. It is useful when you need to reference the available operators or explore new ones to use in your sequencer.

Explanation: Pressing the Ctrl key and g simultaneously while inside the ORCA window will display a list of all the available ORCA operators, along with their functionalities and usage examples.

Example Output: Upon pressing Ctrl + g, a popup window will appear displaying a comprehensive list of all the available ORCA operators, providing the user with information on how to use them effectively in their sequencer.

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