ouch (with examples)

ouch (with examples)

Decompress a specific file:

ouch decompress path/to/archive.tar.xz


The motivation for using this example is to decompress a specific file from an archive. This can be useful when you only need to extract a single file instead of the entire archive.


The decompress command is used to extract files from archives. In this example, we use the path/to/archive.tar.xz file as the input archive. The ouch utility will decompress the specified file and extract its contents.

Example Output:

Decompressing path/to/archive.tar.xz...
Successfully decompressed archive.tar.xz.

Decompress a file to a specific location:

ouch decompress path/to/archive.tar.xz --dir path/to/directory


The motivation for using this example is to decompress a file from an archive and extract it to a specific directory. This can be useful when you want to organize and store the extracted files in a designated location.


The --dir option allows us to specify the directory where the extracted files should be placed. In this example, the path/to/directory is specified as the target directory. The ouch utility will decompress the file from the archive and extract it to the specified directory.

Example Output:

Decompressing path/to/archive.tar.xz to path/to/directory...
Successfully decompressed archive.tar.xz to path/to/directory.

Decompress multiple files:

ouch decompress path/to/archive1.tar path/to/archive2.tar.gz ...


The motivation for using this example is to decompress multiple files from different archives. This can be useful when you have multiple archives that need to be extracted simultaneously.


By specifying multiple archive files as arguments, the ouch utility will decompress each file and extract their contents. The files can be in different formats such as TAR, GZ, and ZIP.

Example Output:

Decompressing path/to/archive1.tar...
Successfully decompressed archive1.tar.

Decompressing path/to/archive2.tar.gz...
Successfully decompressed archive2.tar.gz.


Compress files:

ouch compress path/to/file1 path/to/file2 ... path/to/archive.zip


The motivation for using this example is to compress one or more files into a single archive. This can be useful when you want to reduce the file size or organize multiple files into a single package.


The compress command is used to create archives from one or more input files. In this example, we specify multiple input files (path/to/file1, path/to/file2, etc.) that we want to compress into the path/to/archive.zip archive. The ouch utility will create a ZIP archive containing the specified files.

Example Output:

Compressing path/to/file1...
Compressing path/to/file2...
Successfully created archive.zip.

These examples demonstrate different use cases of the ouch command-line utility for compressing and decompressing files and directories. Whether you need to extract a specific file, extract files to a specific location, decompress multiple files, or compress files into an archive, the ouch utility provides a convenient and efficient solution.

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