Advanced Powerlevel10k Configuration (with examples)

Advanced Powerlevel10k Configuration (with examples)


Powerlevel10k is a highly customizable theme for the Zsh shell that provides a beautiful and informative prompt. It offers a wide range of configuration options to tailor the prompt to your specific needs. In this article, we will explore different use cases of the p10k command, which is a utility to manage configurations for Powerlevel10k.

1: Configure powerlevel10k interactively

The p10k configure command allows you to interactively customize your Powerlevel10k configuration. It launches a guided configuration wizard that helps you choose various options such as prompt style, icons, color schemes, and more.


p10k configure


The interactive configuration allows you to visually see the changes to your prompt in real-time as you make selections and adjustments. This makes it easy to experiment and create a personalized prompt that suits your preferences.


Running p10k configure launches the configuration wizard, which presents a series of questions in the terminal. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the options and press Enter to select or change them.

Example Output:

Powerlevel10k Interactive Configuration

2: Reload powerlevel10k

The p10k reload command allows you to reload your Powerlevel10k configuration without restarting your shell. This is useful when you have made changes to your configuration file (~/.p10k.zsh) and want to apply them immediately.


p10k reload


Reloading the Powerlevel10k configuration can save you time since you don’t have to open a new terminal window or restart your shell for the changes to take effect. This is especially useful when you frequently modify your configuration and want to see the results quickly.


Executing p10k reload triggers an immediate reload of the Powerlevel10k configuration by sourcing the configuration file (~/.p10k.zsh). This updates your prompt according to the changes made in the configuration file.

Example Output:

Powerlevel10k configuration reloaded.

3: Display help

The p10k help command provides detailed documentation and usage information for the p10k utility. It allows you to access the Powerlevel10k documentation without leaving the terminal.


p10k help


Having quick access to a command’s documentation is valuable when you are learning or want to explore a utility’s features and options. The p10k help command provides a convenient way to access the Powerlevel10k documentation directly from the terminal.


Running p10k help displays the help information for the p10k utility. It provides an overview of the available commands, their usage, and their function. Additionally, it provides links to the official Powerlevel10k documentation for more detailed information.

Example Output:

Usage: p10k [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage configurations for powerlevel10k.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  configure  Configure powerlevel10k interactively.
  help       Display help.
  reload     Reload powerlevel10k.

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