How to use the command 'p4' (with examples)

How to use the command 'p4' (with examples)

Perforce, often referred to as ‘p4’, is a powerful version control system that enables teams to manage changes to their source code effectively. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and commands to facilitate seamless collaboration on software projects. This article explores various use cases for the p4 command, providing practical examples and explanations to help users understand how to leverage its capabilities.

Use case 1: Log in to the Perforce service


p4 login -a

Before you can perform any operations with Perforce, you need to authenticate yourself with the service. Logging in ensures that you have the necessary permissions to access and modify resources within your Perforce environment. This step is crucial for maintaining security and accountability, as it ensures that all actions are associated with a verified user identity.


  • p4: The base command for interacting with the Perforce Version Control System.
  • login: This subcommand initiates the login process to authenticate the user.
  • -a: This option specifies that the login should apply across all authentication tickets. This is useful when you want your login session to be valid for multiple Perforce servers you might be working with.

Example Output:
After executing p4 login -a, you might be prompted to enter your password. If successful, the output will confirm that the login was successful:

Enter password:
User logged in.

Use case 2: Create a client


p4 client

Creating a client workspace is the first step in setting up your local environment to interact with the Perforce depot. The client workspace defines the location on your local system where files are retrieved, modified, and stored. It is essentially your personalized view of the project’s source code and configuration.


  • p4: The base command for Perforce operations.
  • client: This subcommand is used to create or edit a client workspace specification. A client spec includes settings like the workspace root, line ending preferences, and file mappings.

Example Output:
Running p4 client opens a text editor with a default client specification template. You can then edit the details (such as client name and root directory), save, and exit the editor to create the client.

Client <client-name> saved.

Use case 3: Copy files from depot into the client workspace


p4 sync

To work on files from the Perforce depot, you need to synchronize your client workspace with the latest versions from the depot. This ensures that you are working with the most recent codebase and can collaborate effectively with other team members.


  • p4: Refers to the Perforce command line application.
  • sync: This subcommand synchronizes the client workspace with the latest revisions of the files in the depot according to the workspace view. It fetches and updates your local workspace with new or changed files.

Example Output:
The output lists files that have been updated in your workspace and provides a brief status of the synchronization process:

//depot/project/file1.txt#1 - added as C:\workspace\project\file1.txt
//depot/project/file2.txt#3 - updated C:\workspace\project\file2.txt

Use case 4: Create or edit changelist description


p4 change

Changes in Perforce are bundled into changelists, which are used to organize modifications and track changes to files. Creating or editing a changelist description helps document the purpose and details of the changes, facilitating better project management and collaboration.


  • p4: The command used to access Perforce functionalities.
  • change: This subcommand is used to create a new changelist or edit an existing one. Invoking it opens a changelist form where you can describe your changes, add files, and specify other details.

Example Output:
When you execute p4 change, a form where you can add a description and list files is opened in your text editor. After completing and saving it, the output confirms the changelist creation or modification:

Change 12345 created with 2 open file(s).

Use case 5: Open a file to edit


p4 edit -c changelist_number path/to/file

Before modifying a file in a Perforce-managed project, you must open it for edit. This ensures that changes are tracked and associated with a specific changelist, facilitating coordination among team members, and preventing conflicts.


  • p4: Utilizes the Perforce command suite.
  • edit: This subcommand flags a file for editing in the specified changelist.
  • -c changelist_number: This option specifies the changelist where the file edits will be associated. Replace changelist_number with your actual changelist ID.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file you wish to open for editing.

Example Output:
Successful execution marks the file as open for editing in the designated changelist:

//depot/project/file1.txt - opened for edit

Use case 6: Open a new file to add it to the depot


p4 add

When you create new files that need to be included in the project, you must add them to Perforce so that they are tracked and versioned. Adding new files ensures they become part of the project and are available to all team members after being submitted.


  • p4: The primary command for Perforce operations.
  • add: Flags files to be added to the depot. Once added, the files will be in a changelist waiting for submission.

Example Output:
This command outputs a message indicating the file is scheduled to be added:

//depot/project/newfile.txt - opened for add

Use case 7: Display list of files modified by changelist


p4 describe -c changelist_number

Understanding what files have been changed by a particular changelist is crucial for reviewing code, auditing changes, or debugging. This command provides a detailed description of the changelist content, including affected files and modifications.


  • p4: References the Perforce command system.
  • describe: Fetches details about a specific changelist.
  • -c changelist_number: Option identifying which changelist description to display. Replace changelist_number with the actual changelist ID of interest.

Example Output:
The output details the changelist, showing affected files and their modification status:

Change 12345 by user@workspace on 2023/10/01 14:23:51
    * Fixed bug in authentication module.

  Affected files ...
  //depot/project/file1.txt#4 edit
  //depot/project/file2.txt#2 add

Use case 8: Submit a changelist to the depot


p4 submit -c changelist_number

Submitting a changelist is the final step in making your changes part of the project. This command updates the depot with your modifications, ensuring they are available for all collaborators. Submitting changes is critical for maintaining project progress and integrating work across different contributors.


  • p4: The command initiating Perforce operations.
  • submit: Commences the process of submitting files to the depot.
  • -c changelist_number: Designates the specific changelist to submit. The changelist_number should be replaced with the ID of the changelist you wish to submit.

Example Output:
Executing this command will display a summary of submitted changes, confirming the integration into the depot:

Submitting change 12345.
Locking 2 files ...
Change 12345 submitted.


The p4 command is a robust tool essential for effective version control in software development projects using Perforce. By understanding and utilizing these use cases, you ensure secure, organized, and efficient project collaboration through effective change management. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned developer, these examples are instrumental in mastering the fundamental operations needed to leverage Perforce in your development workflow.

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