How to use the command 'p4' (with examples)

How to use the command 'p4' (with examples)

The ‘p4’ command is a versatile tool used for managing the Perforce Version Control System. It provides a wide range of functionalities to help users perform various operations, such as logging in, creating clients, syncing files, editing changelist descriptions, opening and adding files, displaying modified files in a changelist, and submitting changelists to the depot.

Use case 1: Log in to the Perforce service


p4 login -a

Motivation: Logging in to the Perforce service is essential to ensure authentication and access privileges. The “-a” option in the command automatically creates a new Perforce ticket if the user is not already logged in.


  • login: Specifies the action to log in to the Perforce service.
  • -a: Automatically creates a new ticket if a Perforce client isn’t already logged in.

Example output:

User joe logged in.

Use case 2: Create a client


p4 client

Motivation: Creating a client allows users to define an environment for submitting and syncing files. A client is a workspace that maps the depot files into the local directory for editing and syncing.


  • client: Specifies the action to create a new client.

Example output:

Client specification saved.

Use case 3: Copy files from depot into the client workspace


p4 sync

Motivation: Syncing files allows users to keep their local workspace up to date with the depot. This is particularly useful when there are changes made by other users that need to be incorporated into the local workspace.


  • sync: Specifies the action to sync files from the depot into the client workspace.

Example output:

//depot/path/to/file#52 - updating /path/to/local/file

Use case 4: Create or edit changelist description


p4 change

Motivation: Creating or editing a changelist description allows users to provide information about the changes they made. This information is helpful for documenting the purpose or goal of the changelist and can aid in reviewing and understanding the changes made.


  • change: Specifies the action to create or edit a changelist description.

Example output:

Change 123 created with 1 open file(s).

Use case 5: Open a file to edit


p4 edit -c changelist_number path/to/file

Motivation: Opening a file for editing allows users to make changes to the file in their local workspace. By specifying the changelist number, the changes will be associated with that particular changelist.


  • edit: Specifies the action to open a file for editing.
  • -c changelist_number: Specifies the changelist number to associate the edits with.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the file to be edited.

Example output:

//depot/path/to/file#53 - opened for edit

Use case 6: Open a new file to add it to the depot


p4 add path/to/file

Motivation: Opening a new file for adding to the depot allows users to include new files in the version control system. This is useful when introducing new files or components to a project.


  • add: Specifies the action to open a new file for addition to the depot.
  • path/to/file: Specifies the path to the new file to be added.

Example output:

//depot/path/to/file#54 - opened for add

Use case 7: Display list of files modified by changelist


p4 describe -c changelist_number

Motivation: Displaying the list of files modified by a changelist provides users with a summary of the changes made. It allows for a quick review of the modifications before submitting the changelist.


  • describe: Specifies the action to display a description of a changelist.
  • -c changelist_number: Specifies the changelist number to display the description for.

Example output:

Change 123 by joe@workspace on 2022/08/15 09:17:26

    Some description of the changes made.

Affected files ...
//depot/path/to/file#53 - edit
//depot/path/to/another_file#58 - move/add

Use case 8: Submit a changelist to the depot


p4 submit -c changelist_number

Motivation: Submitting a changelist allows users to incorporate their changes into the shared depot. It is crucial for enabling collaboration and keeping the codebase up to date.


  • submit: Specifies the action to submit a changelist to the depot.
  • -c changelist_number: Specifies the changelist number to submit.

Example output:

Submitting change 123.
Locking 1 files ...
//depot/path/to/file#53 - opened for edit
Change 123 submitted.


The ‘p4’ command is a powerful tool for managing the Perforce Version Control System. It provides a wide range of functionalities that simplify operations such as logging in, creating clients, syncing files, editing changelist descriptions, opening and adding files, displaying modified files in a changelist, and submitting changelists to the depot. Understanding and effectively using these functionalities can greatly contribute to efficient and collaborative development workflows.

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