pabcnetcclear (with examples)

pabcnetcclear (with examples)

Example 1: Compile the specified source file into an executable with the same name:

pabcnetcclear path\to\source_file.pas


This use case is useful when you want to compile a PascalABC.NET source file into an executable with the same name. It provides a quick and convenient way to compile and run your code without worrying about specifying an output file.


  • path\to\source_file.pas: This argument specifies the path to the PascalABC.NET source file that you want to compile.

Example Output:

Compiling: path\to\source_file.pas
Compilation successful. Executable created: path\to\source_file.exe

Example 2: Compile the specified source file into an executable with the specified name:

pabcnetcclear /Output:path\to\_file.exe path\to\source_file.pas


This use case is useful when you want to compile a PascalABC.NET source file into an executable with a different name. It allows you to specify a custom name for the output file, which can be helpful for organizing your compiled executables.


  • /Output:path\to\_file.exe: This argument specifies the path and name of the output executable file.
  • path\to\source_file.pas: This argument specifies the path to the PascalABC.NET source file that you want to compile.

Example Output:

Compiling: path\to\source_file.pas
Compilation successful. Executable created: path\to\_file.exe

Example 3: Compile the specified source file into an executable with the same name along with/without debug information:

pabcnetcclear /Debug:0|1 path\to\source_file.pas


This use case is useful when you want to include or exclude debug information in the compiled executable. Debug information can be helpful for troubleshooting and debugging purposes, but can also increase the size of the executable. By specifying /Debug:0, debug information will be excluded, while /Debug:1 will include the debug information.


  • /Debug:0|1: This argument specifies whether to include (1) or exclude (0) debug information in the compiled executable.
  • path\to\source_file.pas: This argument specifies the path to the PascalABC.NET source file that you want to compile.

Example Output:

Compiling: path\to\source_file.pas
Compilation successful. Executable created: path\to\source_file.exe

Example 4: Allow units to be searched in the specified path while compiling the source file into an executable with the same name:

pabcnetcclear /SearchDir:path\to\directory path\to\source_file.pas


This use case is useful when you have external units or dependencies that are not located in the default search paths. By specifying /SearchDir, you can specify a custom directory where the compiler should search for units. This allows you to easily include external units and dependencies in your compilation process.


  • /SearchDir:path\to\directory: This argument specifies the path to the directory where the compiler should search for units.
  • path\to\source_file.pas: This argument specifies the path to the PascalABC.NET source file that you want to compile.

Example Output:

Compiling: path\to\source_file.pas
Compilation successful. Executable created: path\to\source_file.exe

Example 5: Compile the specified source file into an executable, defining a symbol:

pabcnetcclear /Define:symbol path\to\source_file.pas


This use case is useful when you want to define a symbol during the compilation process. Symbols can be used for conditional compilation, allowing you to include or exclude portions of code based on certain conditions. By specifying /Define:symbol, you can define a custom symbol that can be used within your PascalABC.NET source file.


  • /Define:symbol: This argument specifies the symbol to be defined during the compilation process.
  • path\to\source_file.pas: This argument specifies the path to the PascalABC.NET source file that you want to compile.

Example Output:

Compiling: path\to\source_file.pas
Compilation successful. Executable created: path\to\source_file.exe

By understanding the different use cases and arguments of the pabcnetcclear command, you can customize your compilation process to suit your needs. Whether you want to specify a custom output name, include debug information, include external units, or define symbols, the pabcnetcclear command provides the flexibility to compile your PascalABC.NET source files with ease.

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