How to use the command 'pacaur' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pacaur' (with examples)

‘pacaur’ is a utility for Arch Linux that allows users to build and install packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR). It provides a convenient way to synchronize, update, install, remove, and search for packages in Arch Linux, including AUR packages. This article will illustrate several use cases of the ‘pacaur’ command with examples.

Use case 1: Synchronize and update all packages (includes AUR)


pacaur -Syu

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to keep your Arch Linux system up to date with the latest package versions, including the packages from the Arch User Repository.


  • ‘-S’ option is used to synchronize database and upgrade all packages.
  • ‘-y’ option confirms all installation prompts without manual intervention.
  • ‘-u’ option is used to upgrade the installed packages.

Example output:

:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: package-query: local (1.9-2) is newer than community (1.9-1)
warning: yaourt: local (1.9-2) is newer than community (1.9-1)
resolving dependencies...

Use case 2: Synchronize and update only AUR packages


pacaur -Syua

Motivation: This use case is useful when you specifically want to update only the packages from the Arch User Repository while ignoring the official repository packages.


  • ‘-a’ option is used to include AUR packages in the synchronization and update process.

Example output:

:: Starting AUR upgrade...
-> Trying to upgrade package-query...
-> Upgrading package-query...
==> Downloading package-query PKGBUILD from AUR...

Use case 3: Install a new package (includes AUR)


pacaur -S package

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to install a new package from the Arch User Repository or the official repositories.


  • ‘-S’ option is used to install packages.
  • ‘package’ argument represents the name of the package you want to install.

Example output:

==> Downloading spotify PKGBUILD from AUR...
==> Downloading spotify-desktop.patch file from AUR...

Use case 4: Remove a package and its dependencies (includes AUR packages)


pacaur -Rs package

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to remove a package from your system, including its dependencies, while considering both the official and AUR repositories.


  • ‘-R’ option is used to remove packages.
  • ‘-s’ option searches the package database for the given package.
  • ‘package’ argument represents the name of the package you want to remove.

Example output:

removing package...

Use case 5: Search the package database for a keyword (includes AUR)


pacaur -Ss keyword

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to search for packages in the Arch User Repository or the official repositories using a specific keyword.


  • ‘-s’ option is used to search the package database.
  • ‘keyword’ argument represents the word or phrase you want to search for.

Example output:

extra/package1 1.0-1 [installed]
    A package that includes the "keyword" functionality.

aur/package2 2.0-1
    Another package with the "keyword" feature.

Use case 6: List all currently installed packages (includes AUR packages)


pacaur -Qs

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to view all currently installed packages on your system, including both the official and AUR packages.


  • ‘-Q’ option is used to query the package database.
  • ‘-s’ option searches only the local package database, not the remote repositories.

Example output:

local/package1 1.0-1
    Description of package1.

aur/package2 2.0-1
    Description of package2.


The ‘pacaur’ command is a versatile utility that simplifies package management on Arch Linux, including the installation, removal, synchronization, and searching of both official and AUR packages. By following the provided examples for each use case, users can effectively manage their package installations and updates on their Arch Linux systems.

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