Managing Pacman Cache with paccache (with examples)

Managing Pacman Cache with paccache (with examples)

1: Remove all but the 3 most recent package versions from the pacman cache

paccache -r

Motivation: The pacman cache can quickly accumulate a large number of package versions, taking up space on the system. Removing older versions helps free up disk space and keeps the cache more manageable.

Explanation: This command removes all but the three most recent versions of packages from the pacman cache. It identifies the oldest packages and deletes them until only the specified number of versions is left.

Example Output: If the pacman cache contains 5 versions of a package, running this command will remove the two oldest versions, leaving only the three most recent ones.

2: Set the number of package versions to keep

paccache -rk num_versions

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to retain more or fewer package versions in the pacman cache depending on your system’s specific requirements. This option allows you to set the desired number of versions to keep.

Explanation: The -rk flag is used to set the number of package versions to retain in the cache. Replace num_versions with the desired value. For example, paccache -rk 5 will keep only the five most recent versions of packages in the cache.

Example Output: Running paccache -rk 5 on a cache with 10 versions of a package will remove the five oldest versions, leaving only the five most recent ones.

3: Perform a dry-run and show the number of candidate packages for deletion

paccache -d

Motivation: Before actually removing any packages from the pacman cache, it is often useful to see how many packages are candidates for deletion. A dry-run allows you to preview the potential impact of the cleanup.

Explanation: The -d flag instructs paccache to perform a dry-run, which means it will simulate the cleanup operation but won’t actually delete any packages. It will display the number of candidate packages for deletion instead.

Example Output: Running paccache -d will display a summary that may look like this:

candidate packages for deletion: 18

4: Move candidate packages to a directory instead of deleting them

paccache -m path/to/directory

Motivation: Instead of completely removing older versions of packages from the pacman cache, it might be desirable to keep them in a separate directory for future use or reference.

Explanation: The -m flag allows you to specify a path to a directory where candidate packages will be moved instead of being deleted. Provide the desired directory by replacing path/to/directory in the command.

Example Output: Running paccache -m /old-packages will move the candidate packages to the /old-packages directory, preserving them for later use.

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