How to Use the Command 'pacgraph' (with Examples)

How to Use the Command 'pacgraph' (with Examples)

Pacgraph is a tool designed specifically for users of Arch Linux and its derivatives. It provides a visual representation of installed packages, depicting their interdependencies in a clear and recognizable graphical format. The graphical output can be exported to various formats such as PNG or SVG, displayed in a GUI, or printed to the console for quick summary access. This allows users to better manage and understand package dependencies, disk usage, and optimize their systems.

Use Case 1: Produce an SVG and PNG Graph




Visualizing the packages and their dependencies on your system can be invaluable when trying to understand the structure and storage consumption. Using pacgraph without additional options simply generates both PNG and SVG files, offering flexibility in usage depending on the viewer or editor available on your system.


  • pacgraph: This fundamental use of the command generates visual graphs in both SVG and PNG formats. By default, these graphs are stored in your current directory, named based on your system’s configuration or preference settings.

Example Output:

Executing this command will produce two files named, for instance, pacgraph.svg and pacgraph.png, showcasing a nice visual layout of your installed packages and their dependency relationships.

Use Case 2: Produce an SVG Graph


pacgraph --svg


By specifying the output format, you cater to specific needs for graphics editing or viewing. An SVG format is particularly useful for those who need resizable and more detailed vector graphics for presentation or analysis, as it does not lose quality upon resizing.


  • --svg: This flag tells pacgraph to generate the graphical output in SVG format only. SVG is a widely-used vector graphic format, allowing you to interact with the graph in specialized graphics software.

Example Output:

After running this command, you’ll have an pacgraph.svg file with all your packages and their dependencies included in a responsive and scalable vector graphic format.

Use Case 3: Print Summary to Console


pacgraph --console


Sometimes, you need a quick overview of your package structure without generating files. The console output is ideal for users who need to quickly check the numbers or basic layout of the package interconnections without leaving the terminal.


  • --console: This option results in the output being displayed directly in the terminal, as a summary, with easier and quicker access without the need for graphic interfaces or file manipulations.

Example Output:

The console will show a summarized text output of package relationships, similar to a tree structure, demonstrating main packages and their dependencies.

Use Case 4: Override the Default Filename/Location


pacgraph --file=path/to/file


There are situations wherein you might want to specify exact file paths for organizational purposes, automation processes, or to prevent overwriting existing files. This option ensures that outputs are stored exactly where you want, under your preferred file naming convention.


  • --file=path/to/file: Here, the output files will save to the specified path, excluding the file extension as pacgraph will append the appropriate extension based on the format. It helps in organizing output files especially when used in large projects or multiple runs yielding various outputs.

Example Output:

Running the command places the output PNG and SVG files at path/to/file.svg and path/to/file.png respectively, neatly following the specified path structure.

Use Case 5: Change the Color of Packages That Are Not Dependencies


pacgraph --top=color


A visual distinction between packages that are standalone and those that serve as dependencies can make the graph more comprehensible. Changing colors based on roles immediately helps focus the viewer on the points of interest.


  • --top=color: This option changes the color of non-dependency packages – those that do not have other programs depending on them. It makes identifying such packages in the graph faster and easier, allowing for quicker updates or removal when deemed necessary.

Example Output:

Non-dependency packages appear in the assigned color on the graph, enhancing visual hierarchy and clarity, thus highlighting independent packages.

Use Case 6: Change the Color of Package Dependencies


pacgraph --dep=color


Using distinct colors for dependencies helps in immediately recognizing their scope and impact across the system. Changing dependency colors improves focus on highly interlinked packages which might need cautious management.


  • --dep=color: This flag customizes the color associated with packages that are dependencies of other packages, differentiating them visually from other packages on the graph.

Example Output:

Dependency nodes are showcased in the specified color code within the graph, differentiating them from other package types clearly.

Use Case 7: Change the Background Color of a Graph


pacgraph --background=color


Aesthetic adjustments can often improve readability and presentation quality. Altering the background color tailors the visual output to integrate seamlessly into different environments, be it dark themed terminals or high-contrast presentations.


  • --background=color: This setting changes the graph’s background, fitting the presentation needs or personal preferences for better readability or stylistic reasons.

Example Output:

The background of the generated graph reflects the chosen color setting, potentially enhancing or complementing the colors of nodes and links for improved visual distinction.


pacgraph --link=color


Link colors can enhance the perception of connections between packages, assisting in tracing dependency trails efficiently. By adjusting link colors to specific hues, you can emphasize or downplay the connectivity for specialized insight.


  • --link=color: This command flag customizes the line colors representing relationships between various nodes (packages), highlighting or softening their appearance according to user needs.

Example Output:

Links in the resultant graph display with the customized color option, providing a tailored view of how packages interrelate.


Pacgraph is a robust tool that allows detailed visualization of package relationships in Arch Linux, aiding in systematic understanding and management. Through various customizable options, pacgraph can produce targeted outputs to meet graphical, organizational, and analytical needs.

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