Mastering the 'packer' Command (with examples)

Mastering the 'packer' Command (with examples)

Packer is an open-source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. By embracing automation, Packer facilitates building machine images across numerous platforms including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and many more. This eliminates the need for repetitive manual configurations, significantly speeding up the deployment process while ensuring consistency across environments.

Use case 1: Build an image


packer build path/to/config.json

Motivation for use:

The motivation for using the packer build command is its ability to automate the creation of machine images, which is an essential step in deploying applications more efficiently and consistently. By using a predefined configuration, Packer enables the generation of VM (Virtual Machine) images that include operating systems, applications, configurations, and data installations. This automation saves time, reduces errors, and ensures that each image is a perfect replica every time it is built.

Explanation of arguments:

  • packer build: This is the Packer subcommand instructing the tool to execute the building process using the specified configuration.
  • path/to/config.json: This is the path to your Packer template configuration file in JSON format. The file contains metadata required by Packer like source image information, scripts to be run, provisioners, etc., to create a new image.

Example output:

Upon successfully executing the command, you might see output like:

amazon-ebs output will be in this color.

==> amazon-ebs: Force Deregister flag found, skipping prevalidating AMI Name
==> amazon-ebs: Prevalidating any provided VPC information
==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary keypair: packer_abc123
==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group for this instance...
==> amazon-ebs: Creating temporary security group...
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> amazon-ebs: AMIs were created

This output notifies the user that the Packer initiated and completed the generation of a new image through various stages, providing real-time feedback on the build progress.

Use case 2: Check the syntax of a Packer image config


packer validate path/to/config.json

Motivation for use:

Before proceeding to build an image, it is crucial to ensure that the configuration file is free from syntax errors. Running packer validate is a proactive measure to prevent time-consuming debugging later in the process by confirming that your JSON file adheres to the correct syntax that Packer expects. It ensures that the configuration file is structurally correct and ready to be used for building image templates.

Explanation of arguments:

  • packer validate: This subcommand checks the validity of a Packer template by validating its JSON syntax and logical structure.
  • path/to/config.json: Represents the Packer configuration file whose syntax is to be checked. This file contains the setup instructions for building an image.

Example output:

After executing the command, the output may look like:

Template validated successfully.

This message conveys that the configuration file does not contain any syntax errors and is hence suitable for building an image. If there are issues within the file, the command will output detailed error messages pointing out the specific lines or sections that need correction.

Use case 3: Format a Packer image config


packer fmt path/to/config.pkr.hcl

Motivation for use:

Packer supports configurations written in HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), particularly in the latest versions. Well-formatted code is easier to read, maintain, and collaborative in nature. The packer fmt command systematically reorganizes the specified configuration file into a conventional structure. This organized formatting eliminates inconsistencies like unnecessary indentation or irregular spacing, thus improving code legibility and maintaining best practices for configuration management.

Explanation of arguments:

  • packer fmt: This subcommand automatically formats HCL-based Packer configuration files to follow a standard structure.
  • path/to/config.pkr.hcl: Indicates the file path to the Packer configuration file written in HCL. The file will be checked and formatted according to specified conventions.

Example output:

The command does not produce detailed output but typically confirms that the file has been successfully formatted:

Formatted: path/to/config.pkr.hcl

This confirms that the specified configuration file has been checked and any necessary reformatting has been applied to match Packer’s formatting standards, resulting in well-organized and readable configuration code.


Harnessing the power of the ‘packer’ command through these use cases demonstrates its utility in efficiently automating the generation and validation of machine images. Whether building from a JSON file, validating configurations to avoid errors, or formatting HCL files for clarity, Packer underscores its value in infrastructure deployment processes by reducing human intervention and optimizing resource management across varied platforms.

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