Downloading Daily Offer Book (with examples)

Downloading Daily Offer Book (with examples)

1: Download the daily offer book into the current directory with the specified book format

To download the daily offer book from, you can use the following command:

packtpub download --type pdf|epub|mobi

Motivation: This command allows you to download the daily offer book from in your preferred format (PDF, EPUB, or MOBI). The downloaded book will be saved in the current directory.


  • download: The command to initiate the download process.
  • --type: An optional argument to specify the book format (PDF, EPUB, or MOBI). If not provided, the default format is PDF.

Example Output:

Downloading daily offer book in PDF format...
Download complete: book.pdf

2: Download the daily offer book into the specified directory

To download the daily offer book and save it in a specific directory, you can use the following command:

packtpub download --dir path/to/directory

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to organize your downloaded books into different directories. This command allows you to choose the destination directory for the daily offer book.


  • download: The command to initiate the download process.
  • --dir: An optional argument to specify the directory where the book should be saved. You need to provide the path to the desired directory.

Example Output:

Downloading daily offer book...
Download complete: path/to/directory/book.pdf

3: Start an interactive login to

To log in to your account interactively, you can use the following command:

packtpub login

Motivation: Logging in to is required to access certain features, such as viewing the daily offer book or downloading other books. This command provides a convenient way to start an interactive login session.


  • login: The command to start the interactive login session.

Example Output:

Please enter your username: exampleuser
Please enter your password: **************
Successfully logged in as exampleuser.

4: Log out from

To log out from your account, you can use the following command:

packtpub logout

Motivation: Logging out from is necessary to ensure the security of your account. This command allows you to easily log out after you have finished your tasks.


  • logout: The command to log out from the current session.

Example Output:

Successfully logged out.

5: Display the daily offer

To display the details of the daily offer book, you can use the following command:

packtpub view-offer

Motivation: It’s useful to quickly see the details of the daily offer book without having to visit This command provides an easy way to view the book’s information.


  • view-offer: The command to display the daily offer book details.

Example Output:

Title: Learning Python
Author: John Smith
Description: A comprehensive guide to Python programming for beginners.
Price: $29.99

6: Open the daily offer in the default web browser

To open the daily offer book page in the default web browser, you can use the following command:

packtpub view-offer

Motivation: If you want to explore more details about the daily offer book or make a purchase directly from the website, this command allows you to quickly open the book’s page using your default web browser.


  • view-offer: The command to open the daily offer book page in the default web browser.

Example Output:

Opening the daily offer in the default web browser...

(This will open the daily offer book page in your default web browser)

7: Display the currently logged-in user

To display the information of the currently logged-in user, you can use the following command:

packtpub whoami

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to verify the account you are logged in with or check if you are still logged in. This command allows you to quickly retrieve the information of the currently logged-in user.


  • whoami: The command to display the information of the currently logged-in user.

Example Output:

Username: exampleuser

With these different use cases of the packtpub command, you can efficiently interact with, download daily offer books, and manage your account.

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