pacman --files (with examples)

pacman --files (with examples)

Update the package database:


sudo pacman --files --refresh

Motivation: Updating the package database is important to ensure that you have the latest information about available packages and their files. This command allows you to update the package database on your Arch Linux system.


  • sudo: Runs the command with administrative privileges.
  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • --refresh: Updates the package database.

Example Output:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date

Find the package that owns a specific file:


pacman --files filename

Motivation: When you encounter a specific file on your Arch Linux system, you may want to know which package owns that file. This helps in troubleshooting issues or managing packages.


  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • filename: The name of the file you want to find the owning package for.

Example Output:

/usr/bin/python3 is owned by python

Find the package that owns a specific file, using a regular expression:


pacman --files --regex 'regular_expression'

Motivation: Sometimes, you may not know the exact name of the file but have a pattern or regular expression to match against. This command allows you to find the package that owns a file based on a regular expression.


  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • --regex: Allows searching for files using regular expressions.
  • regular_expression: The regular expression pattern to match against.

Example Output:

/lib/modules/5.12.10-arch1-1/build is owned by linux

List only the package names:


pacman --files --quiet filename

Motivation: If you want to quickly obtain a list of package names without any additional information, this command can be useful. It helps in automation or scripting where only the package names are required.


  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • --quiet: Displays only the package names without any additional information.
  • filename: The name of the file to list the package names for.

Example Output:


List the files owned by a specific package:


pacman --files --list package

Motivation: To inspect the files that are installed by a specific package, this command allows you to list all the files owned by that package. This can be helpful when troubleshooting or managing packages.


  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • --list: Lists all the files owned by a specific package.
  • package: The name of the package to list the files for.

Example Output:


Display help:


pacman --files --help

Motivation: To understand the usage and available options for the pacman --files command, displaying the help information provides detailed documentation.


  • pacman: The Arch Linux package manager.
  • --files: Specifies that we want to use the --files command.
  • --help: Displays the help information for the command.

Example Output:

  pacman --files [<options>] [<paths>]...

By using these examples of the pacman --files command, you can efficiently manage and troubleshoot packages on your Arch Linux system.

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