How to use the command pactree (with examples)

How to use the command pactree (with examples)

The pactree command is a package dependency tree viewer specifically designed for the pacman package manager used in Arch Linux. It provides a useful way to visualize the dependencies of packages installed on the system.

Use case 1: Print the dependency tree of a specific package


pactree package

Motivation: This use case allows us to view the dependency tree of a specific package, giving us insights into its dependencies and their relationships. This can be helpful for troubleshooting or understanding the package’s requirements.


  • pactree: The command itself.
  • package: The name of the package for which we want to view the dependency tree.

Example output:

├─ dependency1
│  ├─ sub-dependency1
│  └─ sub-dependency2
├─ dependency2
│  └─ sub-dependency3
└─ dependency3

Use case 2: Print what packages depend on a specific package


pactree --reverse package

Motivation: This use case allows us to determine which packages depend on a specific package. This information can be useful for identifying the impact of removing or modifying the package.


  • pactree: The command itself.
  • --reverse: This argument reverses the dependency tree, showing which packages depend on the specified package.
  • package: The name of the package for which we want to find dependent packages.

Example output:

├─ dependent1
│  ├─ sub-dependent1
│  └─ sub-dependent2
├─ dependent2
└─ dependent3

Use case 3: Dump dependencies one per line, skipping duplicates


pactree --unique package

Motivation: By dumping the dependencies one per line, skipping duplicates, we can easily obtain a comprehensive list of the unique dependencies of a package. This can be useful for script automation or further analysis.


  • pactree: The command itself.
  • --unique: This argument ensures only unique dependencies are listed, skipping duplicates.
  • package: The name of the package for which we want to dump the dependencies.

Example output:


Use case 4: Include optional dependencies of a specific package and colorize the output


pactree --optional --color package

Motivation: Sometimes it is necessary to have a visual distinction between regular and optional dependencies. This use case allows us to easily identify and differentiate optional dependencies in the tree structure.


  • pactree: The command itself.
  • --optional: This argument includes optional dependencies in the tree view.
  • --color: This argument enables colorization of the output for better readability.
  • package: The name of the package for which we want to view the dependency tree.

Example output:

├─ dependency1
│  ├─ sub-dependency1
│  └─ sub-dependency2 (optional)
├─ dependency2
│  └─ sub-dependency3
└─ dependency3 (optional)

Use case 5: Display help



Explanation: By simply running pactree without any arguments or package names, it displays the help information for the pactree command. This can be used to quickly reference the available options and usage of the command.


The pactree command is a powerful tool for viewing and analyzing package dependencies in Arch Linux. Whether you need to visualize the dependency tree, identify dependent packages, obtain a list of unique dependencies, or differentiate optional dependencies, pactree has you covered. With its user-friendly output and intuitive command line options, it’s an essential tool for any Arch Linux user or system administrator.

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