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Exploring the 'Get-Alias' Command in PowerShell (with examples)
The ‘Get-Alias’ command in PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing command aliases within a session.
Read MoreExploring the 'hwinfo' Command (with examples)
The hwinfo command is a powerful utility that provides detailed information about the hardware components of a Linux system.
Read MoreExploring the 'log' Command in Depth (with examples)
The ’log’ command is a versatile utility found in macOS systems that allows users to view, export, and configure the logging of system processes and activities.
Read MoreExploring the 'look' Command (with examples)
The look command is a versatile and efficient tool in Unix-based systems, designed to search for lines that start with a specified prefix in a file.
Read MoreExploring the 'lscpu' Command (with examples)
The lscpu command is a powerful utility in Linux-based systems used to display detailed information about the CPU architecture.
Read MoreExploring the 'lsscsi' Command for SCSI Devices (with examples)
The lsscsi command is a tool used in Linux to list SCSI devices and their attributes.
Read MoreExploring the 'mktemp' Command (with examples)
The mktemp command is a versatile utility in Unix-based systems designed to create temporary files and directories.
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