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Archey: Displaying System Information Stylishly (with examples)
Archey is a tool designed to present your system’s information in a visually appealing format.
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Automating X11 with xdotool (with examples)
Xdotool is a versatile command-line utility for performing simulated keyboard inputs and mouse activities in the X Window System, an integral part of UNIX-like operating systems.
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Azure CLI Storage Table Commands Explained (with examples)
The Azure CLI command az storage table is part of the Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) suite, which allows users to manage cloud services in Azure through a set of cross-platform, shell-friendly commands.
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Building and Managing VMs with Tart (with examples)
Tart is a versatile command-line tool designed to build, run, and manage virtual machines (VMs) on Apple Silicon.
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Building Virtual Machine Storage Pools with the `virsh pool-build` Command (with examples)
The virsh pool-build command is an integral component of managing virtual machine (VM) storage in environments using libvirt, a toolkit to interact with virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes).
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Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Tool: A Comprehensive Guide for High-Throughput Sequence Mapping (with examples)
The Burrows-Wheeler Alignment tool (BWA) is a powerful software package widely used in bioinformatics for mapping low-divergent DNA sequences against large reference genomes.
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Capturing Videos with 'rpicam-vid' on Raspberry Pi (with examples)
The rpicam-vid command is a versatile tool for capturing video using a Raspberry Pi camera module.
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Command 'mate-calc' Use Cases (with examples)
The ‘mate-calc’ command is a helpful tool for users of the MATE desktop environment who want to perform mathematical calculations directly from the command line.
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Communicating Effectively with the 'talk' Command (with examples)
The ’talk’ command is a utility that facilitates real-time text communication between users over a network.
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Comprehensive Guide to the 'choco source' Command (with examples)
The ‘choco source’ command is a versatile utility within the Chocolatey package manager, designed for the management of package sources.
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Comprehensive Guide to the 'nmcli radio' Command (with examples)
The nmcli radio command is part of the nmcli suite, which is provided by NetworkManager to manage and control network interfaces in Linux systems.
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- apt (7)
- apx (3)
- aws (39)
- az (33)
- brew (2)
- btrfs (11)
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- choco (13)
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