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Comprehensive Guide to Using 'apt-mark' (with examples)
The apt-mark command is a versatile utility within Debian-based systems that allows users to change the status of installed packages.
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Comprehensive Guide to Using 'doctl databases options' (with examples)
The doctl databases options command is a powerful tool in the DigitalOcean Command-Line Interface (CLI) suite designed to facilitate the management and configuration of databases within DigitalOcean’s cloud environment.
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Comprehensive Guide to Using synopkg for Synology DSM (with examples)
Synopkg is a versatile package management utility specifically designed for Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM).
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Configuring Services with 'svccfg' (with examples)
The svccfg command is an essential utility in Unix-based systems for managing service configurations.
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Controlling Number Lock Status with 'numlockx' (with examples)
The numlockx command is a simple, yet powerful utility for managing the status of the number lock (Num Lock) key in X11 sessions.
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