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How to safely edit the sudoers file using 'visudo' (with examples)
The visudo command is a specialized tool designed to safely edit the sudoers file, a critical system file in Unix-like operating systems that determines which users have permission to execute administrator-level commands.
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How to Send Input Events to an Android Device Using ADB (with examples)
The input command is a powerful tool that allows developers and testers to simulate user interactions with an Android device from the command line.
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How to Set Up a Linux Swap Area Using 'mkswap' (with examples)
The mkswap command is a powerful tool in Linux systems, primarily used to set up a swap area on a designated device or file.
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How to Start the 'universalaccessd' Daemon (with examples)
The universalaccessd command is an integral part of macOS’s universal access services, which facilitate features that enhance usability for individuals with disabilities.
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How to stop a virtual machine using 'qm stop' (with examples)
The qm stop command is a powerful utility within the Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) system, designed to manage virtual machines effectively.
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