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How to use the command 'bitwise' (with examples)
The bitwise command is a versatile tool designed for users who need an interactive and multifaceted calculator capable of handling complex base conversions and intricate bit manipulations seamlessly.
Read MoreHow to use the command 'blastn' (with examples)
The ‘blastn’ command stands for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool for nucleotides.
Read MoreHow to Use the Command 'blastp' (with Examples)
The BLASTP command stands for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool for Proteins and is employed widely in bioinformatics to compare an amino acid query sequence against a protein sequence database.
Read MoreHow to Use the Command 'bleachbit_console' (with Examples)
BleachBit is an open-source disk space cleaning software that allows users to free up space on a computer by deleting unnecessary files.
Read MoreHow to use the command 'bleachbit' (with examples)
BleachBit is a powerful and versatile utility designed to quickly free up disk space and maintain your privacy by cleaning up unwanted and leftover files on your computer.
Read MoreHow to use the command 'bless' (with examples)
The bless command is a powerful yet underutilized tool used in macOS systems to manage startup settings for both Mac OS X and Darwin-based environments.
Read MoreHow to Use the Command 'blight' (with Examples)
Blight is a highly useful command-line utility designed to manage and manipulate the brightness of your computer display with ease.
Read MoreHow to Use the Command 'blkdiscard' (with Examples)
‘blkdiscard’ is a powerful command used in Linux systems to manage storage by discarding or “trimming” sectors on block devices, such as Solid State Drives (SSDs).
Read MoreHow to use the command 'bluetoothctl' (with examples)
The bluetoothctl command is a powerful tool used to manage Bluetooth devices directly from the command line.
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