How to use the command palmtopnm (with examples)

How to use the command palmtopnm (with examples)

The palmtopnm command is used to convert a Palm bitmap file to a PNM (Portable aNyMap) image. It is a part of the Netpbm package, which is a collection of command-line tools for manipulating and converting various image file formats. The palmtopnm command provides several options to customize the conversion process and obtain specific information about the input file.

Use case 1: Convert a Palm bitmap to a PNM image


palmtopnm path/to/file.palm > path/to/file.pnm

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a Palm bitmap file (.palm) that you want to convert to a more widely supported image format like PNM. The command accepts the path to the input file and writes the converted image to the specified output file.


  • palmtopnm: The name of the command used for conversion.
  • path/to/file.palm: The path to the input Palm bitmap file that needs to be converted.
  • >: A redirection operator to specify the output file.
  • path/to/file.pnm: The path to the output PNM image file where the converted image will be saved.

Example output: The input Palm bitmap file is converted to a PNM image and saved in the specified output file.

Use case 2: Display information about the input file


palmtopnm -verbose path/to/file.palm > path/to/file.pnm

Motivation: Sometimes, you may want to know more about the input Palm bitmap file, such as its resolution, color depth, and other metadata. The -verbose option provides detailed information about the input file.


  • -verbose: An option that enables the display of additional information about the input file.
  • path/to/file.palm: The path to the input Palm bitmap file.
  • >: A redirection operator to specify the output file.
  • path/to/file.pnm: The path to the output file where the detailed information will be saved.

Example output: The command will display a verbose output that includes information like height, width, number of colors, and other details about the input Palm bitmap file.

Use case 3: Convert the n’th rendition of the image contained in the input file


palmtopnm -rendition n path/to/file.palm > path/to/file.pnm

Motivation: Palm bitmap files can contain multiple renditions of an image with different resolutions or color depths. Using the -rendition option, you can specify which rendition to convert.


  • -rendition n: An option that specifies the index of the rendition to be converted (0-based index).
  • n: The index of the desired rendition to be converted.
  • path/to/file.palm: The path to the input Palm bitmap file.
  • >: A redirection operator to specify the output file.
  • path/to/file.pnm: The path to the output file where the converted image will be saved.

Example output: The specified rendition of the image contained in the input Palm bitmap file is converted to a PNM image and saved in the specified output file.

Use case 4: Write a histogram of the colors in the input file to stdout


palmtopnm -showhist path/to/file.palm > path/to/file.pnm

Motivation: When analyzing an image, it can be useful to obtain a histogram of the colors present in the image. The -showhist option generates a histogram of the colors in the input Palm bitmap file.


  • -showhist: An option that instructs the command to generate a histogram of the colors in the input file.
  • path/to/file.palm: The path to the input Palm bitmap file.
  • >: A redirection operator to specify the output file (stdout in this case).

Example output: The command will output a histogram of the colors in the input Palm bitmap file, which can be displayed on the console or redirected to an output file.

Use case 5: Output the transparent color of the input image if set


palmtopnm -transparent path/to/file.palm

Motivation: Transparent colors are often used in images to specify areas that should be transparent or visible through a different image layer. This use case allows you to check if the input Palm bitmap file has a transparent color set and displays it if present.


  • -transparent: An option that outputs the transparent color of the image if set.
  • path/to/file.palm: The path to the input Palm bitmap file.

Example output: If the input Palm bitmap file has a transparent color set, the command will output the value of the transparent color. If no transparent color is set, the command will produce no output.

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