How to use the command pamflip (with examples)

How to use the command pamflip (with examples)

pamflip is a command that can be used to flip or rotate a PAM or PNM image. It provides various options to manipulate the image orientation, including rotating the image, flipping it horizontally or vertically, and flipping it on the main diagonal.

Use case 1: Rotate the input image counter-clockwise for a specific degree


pamflip -rotate90|180|270 path/to/input.pam > path/to/output.pam

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to rotate an image by a specific degree in a counter-clockwise direction. It can be used to correct the image orientation or for artistic purposes.


  • -rotate90|180|270: This argument specifies the degree of rotation. You can choose between 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
  • path/to/input.pam: This is the path to the input PAM or PNM image file.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator that redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pam: This is the path where the rotated image will be saved.

Example output: The input image will be rotated by the specified degree and saved as the output image at the specified path.

Use case 2: Flip left for right


pamflip -leftright path/to/input.pam > path/to/output.pam

Motivation: Flipping an image horizontally can be useful when you want to create a mirror image of the original or when you need to correct the image orientation.


  • -leftright: This argument instructs pamflip to flip the image horizontally, from left to right.
  • path/to/input.pam: This is the path to the input PAM or PNM image file.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator that redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pam: This is the path where the flipped image will be saved.

Example output: The input image will be flipped horizontally, resulting in a mirrored image, and saved as the output image at the specified path.

Use case 3: Flip top for bottom


pamflip -topbottom path/to/input.pam > path/to/output.pam

Motivation: Flipping an image vertically can be useful when you want to invert the image or when you need to correct the image orientation.


  • -topbottom: This argument instructs pamflip to flip the image vertically, from top to bottom.
  • path/to/input.pam: This is the path to the input PAM or PNM image file.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator that redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pam: This is the path where the flipped image will be saved.

Example output: The input image will be flipped vertically, resulting in an inverted image, and saved as the output image at the specified path.

Use case 4: Flip the input image on the main diagonal


pamflip -transpose path/to/input.pam > path/to/output.pam

Motivation: Flipping an image on the main diagonal can be useful when you want to transpose the image or when you need to correct the image orientation.


  • -transpose: This argument instructs pamflip to flip the image on the main diagonal, swapping the rows and columns.
  • path/to/input.pam: This is the path to the input PAM or PNM image file.
  • >: This is the output redirection operator that redirects the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.pam: This is the path where the flipped image will be saved.

Example output: The input image will be flipped on the main diagonal, resulting in a transposed image, and saved as the output image at the specified path.


The pamflip command provides a convenient way to manipulate the orientation of PAM or PNM images. With its options to rotate, flip horizontally or vertically, and flip on the main diagonal, you can easily correct image orientations or create artistic effects. Whether you need to rotate, mirror, invert, or transpose an image, pamflip has you covered.

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