How to use the command pamtowinicon (with examples)

How to use the command pamtowinicon (with examples)

The pamtowinicon command is used to convert a PAM (Portable Arbitrary Map) image to a Windows ICO (Icon) file. It provides options to control the output format and other aspects of the conversion process.

Use case 1: Convert a PAM image file to an ICO file


pamtowinicon path/to/input_file.pam > path/to/output.ico

Motivation: This use case is suitable when you have a PAM image that you need to convert to the ICO format for use as an icon in a Windows application or on a website.


  • pamtowinicon is the command itself.
  • path/to/input_file.pam is the path to the input PAM image file that you want to convert.
  • > is the output redirection operator that directs the output of the command to a file.
  • path/to/output.ico is the path to the output ICO file that will be generated.

Example output: After executing the command, the PAM image file will be converted to an ICO file and saved at the specified output location.

Use case 2: Encode images with resolutions smaller than t in the BMP format and all other images in the PNG format


pamtowinicon -pngthreshold t path/to/input_file.pam > path/to/output.ico

Motivation: This use case is useful when you want to specify different output formats for images based on their resolutions. By default, pamtowinicon uses the BMP format for all images. However, if you want to encode smaller resolution images using the PNG format, you can use this option.


  • -pngthreshold t is an option that specifies the threshold resolution t in pixels. Any image with a resolution smaller than t will be encoded in the BMP format, while all other images will be encoded in the PNG format.
  • Other arguments and options are similar to the first use case.

Example output: If the input PAM image has a resolution smaller than the specified threshold t, the output ICO file will contain the image encoded in the BMP format. Otherwise, the image will be encoded in the PNG format.

Use case 3: Make all pixels outside the non-opaque area black


pamtowinicon -truetransparent path/to/input_file.pam > path/to/output.ico

Motivation: This use case is applicable when you want to ensure that all pixels outside the non-opaque region of the image are set to black. This can be useful for achieving a specific visual effect when using the icon in a Windows application or on a website.


  • -truetransparent is an option that ensures all pixels outside the non-opaque area are set to black.
  • Other arguments and options are similar to the first use case.

Example output: The output ICO file will have all pixels outside the non-opaque area of the input PAM image set to black.


The pamtowinicon command provides a simple and convenient way to convert PAM images to the Windows ICO format. The available options allow you to control the output format and manipulate the image as needed. By understanding these use cases, you can effectively utilize this command for your image conversion needs.

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