How to use the command 'pamtoxvmini' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pamtoxvmini' (with examples)

The ‘pamtoxvmini’ command is used to convert a Netpbm image to an XV thumbnail picture. XV is an image viewer and is widely used to display and manipulate images.

Use case 1: Convert a PAM image to an XV thumbnail picture


pamtoxvmini path/to/input_file.pam > path/to/output_file

Motivation: Converting a PAM image to an XV thumbnail picture can be useful when you want to create smaller versions of a large image to use as previews or thumbnails. XV thumbnail pictures have a small file size, making them ideal for web pages or applications where bandwidth or storage is a concern.


  • ‘pamtoxvmini’ is the command being executed.
  • ‘path/to/input_file.pam’ is the path to the PAM image that needs to be converted.
  • ‘>’ is the output redirection operator that directs the output to a file instead of the standard output.
  • ‘path/to/output_file’ is the path where the converted XV thumbnail picture will be saved.

Example output: If the ‘input_file.pam’ is converted to an XV thumbnail picture successfully, no output will be displayed. The converted image will be saved at ‘path/to/output_file’.


The ‘pamtoxvmini’ command is a handy tool for converting Netpbm images to XV thumbnail pictures. By following the provided examples, you can easily convert your PAM images to XV thumbnails for various purposes, such as creating previews for web pages or reducing image file sizes.

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