How to use the command "paperkey" (with examples)

How to use the command "paperkey" (with examples)

Code Example

paperkey --secret-key path/to/secret_key.gpg --output path/to/secret_data.txt


Often, secret keys are stored in encrypted formats, such as .gpg files. However, in certain situations, it may be beneficial to have a plaintext version of the secret key data. By using the paperkey command, we can generate a text file containing the secret data from a specific secret key.


  • --secret-key path/to/secret_key.gpg: Specifies the path to the secret key file in GPG format.
  • --output path/to/secret_data.txt: Specifies the path to the output file, where the secret data will be written.

Example Output

The secret data from the secret key file specified will be written to the provided output file in plaintext format.

Using paperkey to Reconstruct a Secret Key from Secret Data

Code Example

paperkey --pubring path/to/public_key.gpg --secrets path/to/secret_data.txt --output secret_key.gpg


In scenarios where we have secret data (possibly obtained from a plaintext file) and a corresponding public key, we can use the paperkey command to reconstruct the secret key by combining the secret data with the public key.


  • --pubring path/to/public_key.gpg: Specifies the path to the public key file in GPG format.
  • --secrets path/to/secret_data.txt: Specifies the path to the file containing the secret data.
  • --output secret_key.gpg: Specifies the path to the output file, where the reconstructed secret key will be written.

Example Output

The secret data and the public key will be combined to generate a reconstructed secret key, which will be written to the specified output file in GPG format.

Using paperkey to Export a Secret Key and Generate a Text File with Secret Data

Code Example

gpg --export-secret-key key | paperkey --output path/to/secret_data.txt


In situations where a specific secret key needs to be exported in order to obtain the secret data, we can use the gpg command to export the secret key and then pipe it to the paperkey command to generate a text file containing the secret data.


  • --export-secret-key key: Specifies the specific key to be exported as a secret key.
  • |: The pipe symbol is used to redirect the output of the gpg command to the input of the paperkey command.
  • --output path/to/secret_data.txt: Specifies the path to the output file, where the secret data will be written.

Example Output

The secret data extracted from the exported secret key will be written to the provided output file in plaintext format.

By following these examples, you can effectively utilize the paperkey command for various use cases, such as generating a text file with secret data, reconstructing a secret key from secret data and a public key, or exporting a secret key and generating a text file with secret data.

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