How to use the command 'pass' (with examples)

How to use the command 'pass' (with examples)

The command ‘pass’ is a tool for storing and reading passwords or other sensitive data. It encrypts all data using GPG encryption and manages it with a Git repository. This provides a secure and version-controlled way of managing passwords and sensitive information.

Use case 1: Initialize (or re-encrypt) the storage using one or more GPG IDs


pass init gpg_id_1 gpg_id_2

Motivation: This use case is used to set up the storage for the first time or re-encrypt it using new GPG IDs. It ensures that only authorized individuals can access the sensitive data stored in ‘pass’.


  • ‘pass init’ is the command used to initialize or re-encrypt the storage.
  • ‘gpg_id_1 gpg_id_2’ are the GPG IDs that will be used to encrypt the data. Multiple GPG IDs can be specified.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it sets up the storage for further use)

Use case 2: Save a new password and additional information


pass insert --multiline path/to/data

Motivation: This use case allows users to save a new password along with additional information, such as login credentials or notes, in a secure and organized manner.


  • ‘pass insert’ is the command used to save a new password and additional data.
  • ‘–multiline’ is an option specifying that the data includes multiple lines.
  • ‘path/to/data’ is the path where the new password and data will be stored. It can be a file or a directory structure.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it saves the entered data at the specified path)

Use case 3: Edit an entry


pass edit path/to/data

Motivation: This use case is used to edit an existing entry in the password storage. It allows users to update passwords or modify additional information associated with the entry.


  • ‘pass edit’ is the command used to edit an existing entry.
  • ‘path/to/data’ is the path of the entry that needs to be edited.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it opens the specified entry for editing)

Use case 4: Copy a password to the clipboard


pass -c path/to/data

Motivation: This use case allows users to quickly copy a password from the storage to the clipboard, making it convenient for pasting into login forms or other applications.


  • ‘pass’ is the command used to access the password storage.
  • ‘-c’ is an option used to copy the password to the clipboard.
  • ‘path/to/data’ is the path of the entry whose password needs to be copied.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it copies the password to the clipboard)

Use case 5: List the whole store tree



Motivation: This use case allows users to view the entire store tree, giving them an overview of all the entries and their hierarchical structure.

Explanation: This command lists the whole store tree without any additional arguments.

Example output:

Password Store
├── path
│   └── to
│       └── data
├── another
│   └── path
│       └── to
│           └── data
└── ...

Use case 6: Generate a new random password with a given length, and copy it to the clipboard


pass generate -c path/to/data num

Motivation: This use case is useful when users need to generate a new random password of a specific length and immediately copy it to the clipboard.


  • ‘pass generate’ is the command used to generate a new random password.
  • ‘-c’ is an option used to copy the generated password to the clipboard.
  • ‘path/to/data’ is the path where the generated password will be stored.
  • ’num’ is the length of the generated password.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it generates a random password of the specified length and copies it to the clipboard)

Use case 7: Initialize a new Git repository


pass git init

Motivation: This use case is used to initialize a new Git repository for the password storage. It enables version control and history tracking of changes made to the passwords and other sensitive data.


  • ‘pass git init’ is the command used to initialize a new Git repository.
  • This command should be run in the root directory of the password store.

Example output: None (This command does not produce any output, but it initializes a new Git repository)

Use case 8: Run a Git command on behalf of the password storage


pass git command

Motivation: This use case allows users to run Git commands on behalf of the password storage. It provides flexibility in managing and interacting with the Git repository associated with the password storage.


  • ‘pass git command’ is the command to run any Git command.
  • ‘command’ is the specific Git command that needs to be executed.

Example output: Varies depending on the specific Git command executed.

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