How to use the command patch (with examples)

How to use the command patch (with examples)

The patch command is used to apply a patch to a file or set of files using a diff file generated by the diff command. It allows you to make modifications to files based on the differences outlined in the diff file.

Use case 1: Apply a patch using a diff file (filenames must be included in the diff file)


patch < patch.diff

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you have a diff file that contains changes for multiple files, and you want to apply those changes to the respective files.

Explanation: The patch command is invoked without specifying a filename. It assumes that the filenames to be patched are already included in the diff file.

Example output:

patching file file1.txt
patching file file2.txt

Use case 2: Apply a patch to a specific file


patch path/to/file < patch.diff

Motivation: This example is useful when you have a diff file that contains changes intended for a specific file, and you want to apply those changes only to that file.

Explanation: In this use case, you provide the path to the file that you want to patch after the patch command.

Example output:

patching file path/to/file

Use case 3: Patch a file writing the result to a different file


patch path/to/input_file -o path/to/output_file < patch.diff

Motivation: This use case is helpful when you want to apply the patch to a file but want to save the patched result to a separate output file, leaving the original file untouched.

Explanation: The -o flag followed by the path to the output file tells the patch command where to write the patched result.

Example output:

patching file path/to/input_file

Use case 4: Apply a patch to the current directory


patch -p1 < patch.diff

Motivation: This use case is useful when you have a diff file containing changes for multiple files, and you want to apply those changes to the files in the current directory.

Explanation: The -p1 flag removes the first level of the path specified in the diff file. This is useful when the diff file was generated with absolute file paths.

Example output:

patching file file1.txt
patching file file2.txt

Use case 5: Apply the reverse of a patch


patch -R < patch.diff

Motivation: This example is helpful when you want to undo changes made by a previous patch applied to a file.

Explanation: The -R flag tells the patch command to apply the reverse of the changes specified in the diff file.

Example output:

reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] y
patching file file.txt


The patch command is a powerful tool for applying patches to files based on the differences outlined in a diff file. With the different use cases presented here, you can flexibly apply patches to multiple files, specific files, or even reverse a patch if needed.

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