How to use the command "pbmmake" (with examples)

How to use the command "pbmmake" (with examples)

The “pbmmake” command is a part of the Netpbm package, which is a suite of command-line tools for manipulating and converting various image formats. The “pbmmake” command specifically allows you to create a blank bitmap, which is a simple black-and-white image.

Use case 1: Create a blank bitmap of the specified dimensions


pbmmake width height > path/to/output_file.pbm

Motivation: In many cases, you may need to generate a blank bitmap image to be used as a blank canvas or a starting point for further image manipulation. The “pbmmake” command allows you to easily create such a bitmap with the specified dimensions.


  • “width”: The desired width of the bitmap image in pixels.
  • “height”: The desired height of the bitmap image in pixels.
  • “path/to/output_file.pbm”: The path and filename where you want to save the created bitmap. The “.pbm” file extension is used for bitmap images.

Example output: If you execute the command:

pbmmake 800 600 > /path/to/output.pbm

It will create a blank bitmap image with a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels. The image will be saved as “/path/to/output.pbm”.

Use case 2: Specify the color of the created bitmap


pbmmake -white|black|gray width height > path/to/output_file.pbm

Motivation: By default, the “pbmmake” command creates a bitmap with black pixels. However, you may want to specify a different color for the created bitmap. This use case allows you to create a bitmap with white, black, or gray pixels.


  • “-white|black|gray”: This option allows you to specify the color of the bitmap. You can choose between “white” for a bitmap with white pixels, “black” for a bitmap with black pixels, or “gray” for a bitmap with gray pixels.
  • “width”: The desired width of the bitmap image in pixels.
  • “height”: The desired height of the bitmap image in pixels.
  • “path/to/output_file.pbm”: The path and filename where you want to save the created bitmap. The “.pbm” file extension is used for bitmap images.

Example output: If you execute the command:

pbmmake -white 200 200 > /path/to/output.pbm

It will create a 200x200 pixel bitmap image with white pixels. The image will be saved as “/path/to/output.pbm”.


The “pbmmake” command is a versatile tool for creating blank bitmap images. Whether you need a blank canvas for image manipulation or a bitmap with a specific color, “pbmmake” makes it easy to generate the desired image.

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